rise up,go up 有何区别?Prices keep _______and people have to keep a close eye on their wallet.A.going up B.rising up C.lifting up D.raising up A.为何不选B?请老师详解!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 16:39:16
rise up,go up 有何区别?Prices keep _______and people have to keep a close eye on their wallet.A.going up B.rising up C.lifting up D.raising up A.为何不选B?请老师详解!
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rise up,go up 有何区别?Prices keep _______and people have to keep a close eye on their wallet.A.going up B.rising up C.lifting up D.raising up A.为何不选B?请老师详解!
rise up,go up 有何区别?
Prices keep _______and people have to keep a close eye on their wallet.
A.going up B.rising up C.lifting up D.raising up

rise up,go up 有何区别?Prices keep _______and people have to keep a close eye on their wallet.A.going up B.rising up C.lifting up D.raising up A.为何不选B?请老师详解!
rise up的意思是“已升起”,因为rise的本意就是“上升”,加up隐含完成意义.而go up的意思是“上升”,因为go只是表示动作,要加副词up, down等表示趋势、方向等!
  rise up
  站起来;升起:The balloon rose up slowly into the air.气球缓缓升上天空.起义;反抗;叛变:
  The people of the whole country got united to rise up against the foreign invaders.全国人民团结起来反抗外国侵略者.