why is hardy regarded as a naturalistic writer in english literature

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why is hardy regarded as a naturalistic writer in english literature
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why is hardy regarded as a naturalistic writer in english literature
why is hardy regarded as a naturalistic writer in english literature

why is hardy regarded as a naturalistic writer in english literature




高德菲·哈罗德·哈代(1877年2月7日—1947年12月1日)是英国数学家。生于克兰利,卒于剑桥。1896年考入剑桥大学三一学院,1900年当选为三一学院研究员,第二年又荣获史密斯奖金。1910年当选为英国皇家学会会员,还受到许多科学院、大学的奖励。1900-1911年,哈代主要研究无穷级数收敛和积分论等方面的课题。1911年,他建立起与数学家李特尔伍德(Littlewood)长达35年的密切合作关系。他们长期靠通信讨论数学问题,研究丢番图分析、堆垒数论、积性数论、黎曼ζ函数、不等式、三角级数等内容。他们共同完成了关于华林定理的新证明,推进了这个问题的进展。哈代和李特尔伍德共同建立了20世纪上半叶具有世界水准的英国剑桥分析学派。1914年,哈代发现了印度天才的青年数学家拉马努金(Ramanujan),他把拉马努金推荐到剑桥大学深造,不久即蜚声数坛。哈代在与拉马努金合作时期,完成了多项研究课题,特别在整数的分拆理论上取得一系列惊人的成果。他们的成果对近代堆垒数论的发展有重要意义。哈代曾任三一学院讲师多年,1919年受聘为牛津大学萨维尔几何学教授(Savilian Chair of Geometry)。20世纪20年代未曾到美国普林斯顿讲学,1931年回到剑桥,任纯粹数学教授。他培养了许多优秀的数学人才,中国著名数学家华罗庚就是他的学生。哈代在20世纪初用定量的方法研究生物学,建立了群体遗传平衡的代数方程,奠定了群体遗传学的基础。德国医生魏因贝格也独立地得到同一结果,现代生物数学中称这一定律为哈代—魏因贝格定律。哈代一生共发表300多篇论文(其中不少是与李特尔伍德合作的)和多种著作。1966年出版了他的7卷全集。
Godfrey Harold Hardy (February 7, 1877 -1,947 on December 1) is a British mathematician. Born Cranley, died in Cambridge. 1896 admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge, 1900, was elected Fellow of Trinity College, the second year they won the Smith prize. 1910 elected member of the Royal Society, but also by many Academy of Sciences, the University of reward. 1900-1911, the main research Hardy convergence of infinite series and integration of subject areas. In 1911, he set up with the mathematician Littlewood (Littlewood) up to 35 years of close cooperation. They rely on communication to discuss mathematical problems long-term study of Diophantine analysis, imitates number theory, multiplicative number theory, Riemann ζ function, inequalities, trigonometric series and so on. Together, they completed a Waring theorem on the new show to promote the progress of this issue. Hardy and Littlewood have jointly established the first half of the 20th century with the world standard of the British Cambridge school. In 1914, Hardy found a talented young Indian mathematician Ramanujan (Ramanujan), he recommended to the University of Cambridge Postgraduate Ramanujan, a few famous altar soon. Hardy and Ramanujan in cooperation period, completed a number of research projects, particularly in the integer spin-off theory, made a series of amazing results. Their results on the development of modern number theory imitates significance. Hardy served as lecturer at Trinity College for many years, in 1919, employed as a professor of geometry at Oxford University Saville (Savilian Chair of Geometry). 20 years of the 20th century not to lecture at Princeton, returned to Cambridge in 1931, he was appointed professor of pure mathematics. He has trained many outstanding mathematical talent, a prominent Chinese mathematician Hua was his student. Hardy in the early 20th century, a quantitative method of biology, the establishment of a population genetic equilibrium of algebraic equations, laying the foundation for population genetics. German doctor Vaimberg also independently obtained the same results, said in the mathematics of modern biological law of the Hardy - Vaimberg Law. Hardy's lifetime total of more than 300 papers published (many of them co-operation with the Littlewood) and a variety of books. 1966, published in Volume 7 of his complete works.
