是英文postscript 附言的意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:08:29
是英文postscript 附言的意思
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是英文postscript 附言的意思
是英文postscript 附言的意思

是英文postscript 附言的意思
Postscript= P.S.=后记,附笔,附言...
(1)A message appended at the end of a letter after the writer's signature
(2) Additional information appended to the manuscript,as of a book or article.
例句:"A brief,handwritten postscript lay beneath his signature."
但请注意:"Post Script" 的"S" 是大写时,其含义是 :"Post·Script=A trademark used for an object-oriented computer language for describing the appearance and layout of documents,used to print high-resolution text and graphics."

postscript ['pəustskript]
n. 附言;又及