帮忙翻译成中文,不要机器翻的.It was Wilhelm von Humboldt who made the vital connection between language and culture, language and behavior. For Humboldt language was something dynamic, an activity (energeia) rather than a static inventory

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:14:00
帮忙翻译成中文,不要机器翻的.It was Wilhelm von Humboldt who made the vital connection between language and culture, language and behavior. For Humboldt language was something dynamic, an activity (energeia) rather than a static inventory
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帮忙翻译成中文,不要机器翻的.It was Wilhelm von Humboldt who made the vital connection between language and culture, language and behavior. For Humboldt language was something dynamic, an activity (energeia) rather than a static inventory
It was Wilhelm von Humboldt who made the vital connection between language and culture, language and behavior. For Humboldt language was something dynamic, an activity (energeia) rather than a static inventory of items as the product of activity (ergon) . At the same time language is an expression both of the culture and the individuality of the speaker, who perceives the world through language. A century later, these ideas were echoed in American ethno linguistics by Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, resulting in the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, or principle of linguistic relativity, which maintains that thought does not “precede” language, but on the contrary it is conditioned by it, As with Humboldt, such conclusions were based on detailed study of barely accessible “exotic” languages such an those of the American Indians. Whorf , maintained, for example, that the verb system in Hopi directly affected the speaker’s conception of time. Similar conclusions have been reached research into the scholar can only approach some understanding of that world if he deals with it in its own concepts and in its own terms , without imposing 20th century European concepts and values upon it.
The principle of linguistic relativity has far-reaching implications for translations. Taken to its extreme, the notion that language conditions thought and that both are inextricably bound up with the individual culture of the community that speaks the language concerned would mean that ultimately translation is impossible.
The opposite point of view , ironically, also goes back to Wilhelm von Humboldt: it is the principle of language universals propagated by Chomsky and the school of generative grammar. Chomsky’s concept of deep structure and surface structure is a development of Humboldt’s theory of “inner” and “outer” form in language. In this view translation is a “recoding” or change of surface structure in representation of the-----non-linguistic and ultimately universal---deep structure underlying it. Taken to its extreme, this principle means that everything is translatable.

帮忙翻译成中文,不要机器翻的.It was Wilhelm von Humboldt who made the vital connection between language and culture, language and behavior. For Humboldt language was something dynamic, an activity (energeia) rather than a static inventory
由于Wilhelm von Humboldt ,语言和文化,语言和行为之间才保持关键性的联系.Humboldt语言是动力、活跃的产物,而不仅仅是那些静止的东西的总结.同时,在那些通过语言看世界的人眼中,它不仅是文化的传达,更是个人思想的体现.一个世纪后,受Sapir-Whorf假说,语言相对性的这些主张在语言之后,并受其限制的原则的影响,这些思想在以Edward Sapir ,Benjamin lee代表的美国民族语言学中得到了体现.对于Humboldt来说,这些结论都是建立在例如那些美国印第安人的,仅仅对外来语言有详细研究之上的.Whorf主张,比如,这些存在于霍皮族当中的动词系统,影响了人们对时间的概念.类似的结论被学者研究所利用,这些只是可以被利用在用自己的概念和方式对这个世界的理解上,而不用那些20世纪欧洲相关的概念和价值观.
具有讽刺意味,相反的观点仍旧是回到了Wilhelm von Humbold的观点上.这是Chomsky宣传的全球语言学的原则和对产生的语法的研究.Chomsky深层、浅层结构概念,是发展了Humboldt内在、外在语言学.在这种观点之下,翻译是一种“记录”或者是对代表非语言学和终极全球化的表层结果和潜藏在其下的深层结构的改变.总的来说,这些原则意味着一切都是可翻译的.

这是威廉冯洪堡谁作出了重要的联系语言和文化,语言和行为。洪堡语言的一些动态,活动 ,而不是一个静态的物品清单作为产品的活动 。同时语言表达双方的文化和个性化的发言,谁认为世界上的语言。一个世纪后,这些想法是呼应美国民族语言学的爱德华萨皮尔和本杰明李沃尔夫,导致萨皮尔一沃尔夫假说,或原则的语言相对论,其中认为,思想不“先”的语言,相反,它前提是,因为与洪堡,这种结论是基于详细的研究刚刚获得“异国情调...


这是威廉冯洪堡谁作出了重要的联系语言和文化,语言和行为。洪堡语言的一些动态,活动 ,而不是一个静态的物品清单作为产品的活动 。同时语言表达双方的文化和个性化的发言,谁认为世界上的语言。一个世纪后,这些想法是呼应美国民族语言学的爱德华萨皮尔和本杰明李沃尔夫,导致萨皮尔一沃尔夫假说,或原则的语言相对论,其中认为,思想不“先”的语言,相反,它前提是,因为与洪堡,这种结论是基于详细的研究刚刚获得“异国情调”这种语言是美国印第安人。沃尔夫,维护,例如,动词系统霍皮直接影响发言者的时间概念。类似的结论达成了研究学者只能办法一些了解这个世界,如果他处理它在自己的概念和在其自身的条件,而不强加20世纪欧洲的概念和价值观念强加于其上。


这是威廉冯洪堡谁作出了重要的联系语言和文化,语言和行为。洪堡语言的一些动态,活动( energeia ) ,而不是一个静态的物品清单作为产品的活动( ergon ) 。同时语言表达双方的文化和个性化的发言,谁认为世界上的语言。一个世纪后,这些想法是呼应美国民族语言学的爱德华萨皮尔和本杰明李沃尔夫,导致萨皮尔一沃尔夫假说,或原则的语言相对论,其中认为,思想不“先”的语言,相反,它前提是,因为与洪堡,...


这是威廉冯洪堡谁作出了重要的联系语言和文化,语言和行为。洪堡语言的一些动态,活动( energeia ) ,而不是一个静态的物品清单作为产品的活动( ergon ) 。同时语言表达双方的文化和个性化的发言,谁认为世界上的语言。一个世纪后,这些想法是呼应美国民族语言学的爱德华萨皮尔和本杰明李沃尔夫,导致萨皮尔一沃尔夫假说,或原则的语言相对论,其中认为,思想不“先”的语言,相反,它前提是,因为与洪堡,这种结论是基于详细的研究刚刚获得“异国情调”这种语言是美国印第安人。沃尔夫,维护,例如,动词系统霍皮直接影响发言者的时间概念。类似的结论达成了研究学者只能办法一些了解这个世界,如果他处理它在自己的概念和在其自身的条件,而不强加20世纪欧洲的概念和价值观念强加于其上。
相反的观点,具有讽刺意味的,也可追溯到威廉冯洪堡:这是的原则,语言共性宣传乔姆斯基和学校的生成语法。乔姆斯基的概念,深部结构和表面结构是一个发展的洪堡的理论, “内”与“外”的形式语言。在这期的翻译是“重新”或表面结构变化的代表-----非语言并最终普遍---深层结构底层IT 。采取了极端的情况下,这一原则意味着,一切都是翻译。
