菜鸟写了个短文 请语法高手分析下~我写了个短文 请语法高手分析下帮改下看那有不对的地方吗?I like reading in my spare time.Because the reading book has many advantages.First of all,I can learn a lot of knowledge

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:00:18
菜鸟写了个短文 请语法高手分析下~我写了个短文 请语法高手分析下帮改下看那有不对的地方吗?I like reading in my spare time.Because the reading book has many advantages.First of all,I can learn a lot of knowledge
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菜鸟写了个短文 请语法高手分析下~我写了个短文 请语法高手分析下帮改下看那有不对的地方吗?I like reading in my spare time.Because the reading book has many advantages.First of all,I can learn a lot of knowledge
菜鸟写了个短文 请语法高手分析下~
我写了个短文 请语法高手分析下帮改下看那有不对的地方吗?I like reading in my spare time.Because the reading book has many advantages.First of all,I can learn a lot of knowledge of such knowledge in life is not easy experience.For example,some of the geographic areas very far,we have learned through reading can be.reading history book we could find ourselves back to several hundred years ago.To understand that time of life.The second reading to temper my eloquence.Eloquence only good for the future work and life are very helpful.The third reading is generally not feel tired.Unlike other hobbies may also be affected.In short,I like reading in the spare time .

菜鸟写了个短文 请语法高手分析下~我写了个短文 请语法高手分析下帮改下看那有不对的地方吗?I like reading in my spare time.Because the reading book has many advantages.First of all,I can learn a lot of knowledge
I'd love to read when I have spare time because of the advantages it brings to me.For instance (例如),I can learn a lot of knowledge through reading rather than experiencing; there's no time or space limits - so I can travel to any geographic areas which I'm interested in.
We can always learn lessons when we are reading.Even we can go back to hundreds of years ago to see their culture,language,and so forth.
The second reason for reading is to strengthen my eloquence.People tend to be extensive in knowledge; it's always important for our future - whether for our job or daily life.Unlike other hobbies,reading is a relax.Sometimes we can hide ourselves away from our real world and to enjoy.
To conclude,reading is so much important,I love reading.The most important thing is to breathe,then is to read.

菜鸟写了个短文 请语法高手分析下~我写了个短文 请语法高手分析下帮改下看那有不对的地方吗?I like reading in my spare time.Because the reading book has many advantages.First of all,I can learn a lot of knowledge 谁帮我写关于健康与富裕的英语文章```谢谢100字左右`快点了谢谢``我是个菜鸟``请高手们指点````````尽量快`赶时间 如果我是个男生.请高手帮我写一篇英语短文. 请高手帮我写一篇英语短文故事 请看下我这句话有语病吗?我开了个服装品牌折扣店,写了个标语,“平民的价格、奢侈的享受”,总感觉这句话读起来不顺口,请高手给改下, 高分请英语高手帮我写篇短文,六到八句话即可短文内容见附件 请英语好的高手帮忙写篇关于爱的小短文,求求你们了!要短短的, 前段时间写了个个性签名,下面有人评论,就两个字 “白菜”.白痴加菜鸟? 请英语高手帮我仔细看下自己写的英语作文有没有什么语法、时态、单词等错误,虚心求教哎自己用有道翻译了一遍,因为老师太严了怕出错,所以请帮忙再检查一遍.Thank my parents for giving my life. 请帮我找出写了汉语这一段英语中的语法,并讲解, 我长大了作文请你们给我写个作文写了600字 这一年,我长大了 作文 请你们 给我写个作文 写了 英语高手来下 有句句子不是很懂,帮我下 送分了I will go (to) where he goes (to) 括号里滴两个to 为什么都不能加饿?请分析下从语法角度分析下 两个to不用的原因 《藤野先生》主要内容概括,阅读分析高手进!就现在看清楚要求:整篇短文概括120字左右!在留学期间,藤野先生对我做了哪些事(每件事多句话,写详细点)最后一行总结他是个一个怎么样的 高手解释下这个公式的意思=TEXT(ABS(B2)-RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-1),[>0]不合格;合格)请人写了如上公式,但不明白为什么要这样写,特别是那个中括号怎么要用在这里,我是函数菜鸟,看了半天不懂,让我懂了, 请问以后餐饮业还有好的发展前景吗?请高手给我仔细分析下谢谢了. 帮我找一篇超短的英语5分钟演讲稿,容易背的.下个星期二就要了```麻烦哪位高手帮我写一篇```谢谢! 给2021年的自己的一封信主要想从理想、绘画、回报祖国这三个方面写,请写作高手帮我分析一下,作文我会自己写,鄙人的作文水平不高.谢谢了!