英语翻译请问huge clouds of electrically charged particles该怎么翻译呢?请务必翻作术语.了解天文的大哥大姐也帮帮忙啊,书上说那个东西就是日冕抛射物,可那是什么呢?是磁云么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/19 06:35:38
英语翻译请问huge clouds of electrically charged particles该怎么翻译呢?请务必翻作术语.了解天文的大哥大姐也帮帮忙啊,书上说那个东西就是日冕抛射物,可那是什么呢?是磁云么
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英语翻译请问huge clouds of electrically charged particles该怎么翻译呢?请务必翻作术语.了解天文的大哥大姐也帮帮忙啊,书上说那个东西就是日冕抛射物,可那是什么呢?是磁云么
huge clouds of electrically charged particles

英语翻译请问huge clouds of electrically charged particles该怎么翻译呢?请务必翻作术语.了解天文的大哥大姐也帮帮忙啊,书上说那个东西就是日冕抛射物,可那是什么呢?是磁云么
表面上是巨大的带电粒子云, 就是我们俗称的太阳风.指的是从太阳大气最外层的日冕,向空间持续抛射出来的物质粒子流. 很早以前,人们看到彗星的尾巴老是背着太阳,猜想这大概是从太阳“吹”出来的某种物质造成的.1958年,通过人造卫星上的粒子探测器,探测到了太阳上有微粒流发出.美国科学家帕克给
这种微粒流是从日冕的冕洞中喷射出来的. 太阳风有两种.一种持续不断地辐射出来,速度较小,在飞到地球附近时,平均速度约为每秒450千米;粒子含量也比较少,每立方厘米含质子数为1~10个.这种太阳风称为“持续太阳风”或被科学家们称作“宁静太阳风”.另一种是在太阳
数为几十个.这种太阳风称为“扰动太阳风”,高速太阳风对地球的影响很大,当它抵达地球时,往往引起很大的磁暴与强烈的极光,同时也发生电离层骚扰. 太阳风的主要成分是氢粒子(质子和电子)和氦粒子(氦原子核与电子),其中质子约占91%,氦核约占8%.此外还含有微量的电离氧、铁等元素.太阳风密度处于随时变化之中.

英语翻译请问huge clouds of electrically charged particles该怎么翻译呢?请务必翻作术语.了解天文的大哥大姐也帮帮忙啊,书上说那个东西就是日冕抛射物,可那是什么呢?是磁云么 huge和huge of有什么不同? huge quantities of good “many kinds of clouds”, 英语翻译:I don't feel like dancing in front of a huge group of strangers . 英语翻译翻译one of the mountains was in the shope of a men,with long,long legs and arms and huge shoulders and a huge head huge crowds of的用法 英语翻译Wayne Rooney hands Manchester United huge injury boost ahead of Champions League clash Bayern Munich THE THEORY OF CLOUDS怎么样 SOUTH OF THE CLOUDS怎么样 英语翻译The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.The huge marble burial place was built for King Mausolus of Caria. There is a huge amount of city rubbish,which cannot be handled appropriately in big cities请问这句话 英语翻译Clouds help make weather.so do mountains .in South America,the clouds and mountains make part of the land very wet and part of it very dry.First the clouds come across the Atlantic Ocean.The winds blow these big,water-filled clouds across 英语翻译Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul.And thanks for loving me. 英语翻译This is a huge mountain that contains layers of deposits that should offer an impressive view of millions of years of Martian geological history. huge amounts of修饰可数还是不可数? times of clouds and sun什么意思 kinds many there are of clouds