初中语法聚焦 重点的

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初中语法聚焦 重点的
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初中语法聚焦 重点的
初中语法聚焦 重点的

初中语法聚焦 重点的
Many people speak English.(主动语态)
English is spoken by many people.(被动语态)
二. 被动语态的构成:助动词be+及物动词的过去分词
注: 助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化.其变化规则与 be作为连系动词时完全一样.
1.一般现在时中,be是am,is ,are的形式.
例句: I am taught to study English.
We are taught to study English.
例句: I /she was taught to study English.
We were taught to study English
3.一般将来时中,be是will be 的形式.
例句: I /She/We will be taught to study English
4.现在完成时中被动语态的构成:have / has been +done
•例句: The work has been finished.
• Why haven’t they been invented.
•5.现在进行时态中被动语态的构成:be being +done
例句: New bridge is being built near our school.
can/ may /must/should + be + done+(by s b)
例句:The dictionary must be taken good care of.
Can the work be done in two days.
三. 被动语态的用法:
例句:Silk is produced in Suzhou and Hangzhou.
例句:Bicycles are widely used in China.
四. 主动语态转化为被动语态的三部曲:
3.主动结构主语变为介词by的宾语,组成介 词短语,放在被动结构中谓语动词之后.在动词执行者无须说明或强调时,by短语可以省略.
Look and find out the similarities (相同点):
Football is played all over the world
A camera is used for taking photos.
A bank was robbed yesterday.
A man-made satellite was sent up into space last year.
The tree must be planted on the ground.
The ground will be covered with trees in a few years’ time.
The ground will be covered with trees in a few years’ time.
They will be sent to the hospital right now.
A talk will be given soon.
The earth is being dug now.
The food has been eaten up already.
被动语态的构成:be +vt.p.p.
一般现在时—— am/is / are + vt.p.p.
一般过去时—— was/were +vt.p.p.
情态动词—— aux.v. (must/can/could/may…+ be + vt.p.p.)
现在进行时—— be(am、is、are)+being +vt.p.p.
一般将来时—— will be/be going to be + vt.p.p.
现在完成时—— have/has +been+ vt.p.p.
Turn the following sentences into the passive voice:
1. Many people speak English.
2. He bought me a new bike yesterday.
3. The boss made him do the heavy work in the old days.
4. Tom must hand in the composition after class.
5. The rain stopped.
6. The soup tastes delicious.
3. 注意保持时态和人称的一致.
双宾的谓语动词有两种改法.当把直接宾语改成主语时,谓语动词后必须加适当的介词: to for.
5. 一些动词不定式在主动语态中省略to作宾语补足语,改成被动语态时,to必须还原.
五. 不用被动语态的情况 :
1)不及物动词不用被动语态;注意:happen, occur ,take place
The story was happened in 1934. ( × )
2)表状态的动词不用被动语态;have, lack, fit…
I have a new bike.
The story is sounded true. ( × )
do one’s best, make a face,
make room(腾位子)
make up one’s mind
belong to
5.特殊情况 (考试重点 )
1)感官动词 ( taste ; feel ; smell ; sound ; look ) 用主动形式表示被动.
How sweet the music sounds !
Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth .
2) write、read、sell、keep、prove、weigh、drink、wash、open/shut常用主动形式表被动意义.尤其是有副词 well, easily时.
The book sells well . 这本书销路很好.
The door will not open . ( 这扇门就是打不开. )
This dress washes better .
The sign reads as follows . ( 这牌子告示如下. )
3)在 “主+ be +形容词+不定式”的结构中,主语是不定式动词动作的承受者.
e.g. He is easy to get along with.
The sentence is difficult to understand.
The question is easy to answer.
4). be to blame
e.g. He is to blame for the broken window.
5)need, demand, want(需要), require, be worth等后用动名词表被动.
The desk needs repairing.
The novel is worth seeing.
The desk needs repairing.
The desk needs to be repaired this afternoon.
注意动名词的被动形式,(being done)
Nobody likes being laughed at.

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