
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:58:34
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Harry Potter and the half-blood prince
The sixth year in Hogwarts for Harry was nothing but danger and confusion.The magical world had accepted the truth that Lord Voldemort was back,although this almost offered no help at all.New things happened one after another.Fudge was never the Minister of Magic,and Scrimgeour took his place.A new teacher called Horace Slughorn chose to be Potions master while Snape became teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts.However,Snape's real identity was still vague.
Harry was sure Draco Malfoy was planning something,and it was against Dumbledore,but Ron and Hermione strongly doubted that as every time Harry tried to figure it out it turned no result.In the class of Mr.Slughorn,Harry found an old text book which belonged to 'the Half-Blood Prince' who was unknown to everyone.Helped by the book,Harry suddenly became gorgeous at Potions,for which Slughorn liked him a lot.
Besides ordinary classes,Harry was called by Dumbledore to help him find out the secrets of Lord Voldemort.They found that Voldemort had made seven 'Horcruxes(魂器)' to keep his soul lasting forever.Dumbledore searched hard for them and did destroy one of them while Harry happened to destroy another one--the diary of Tom (in book2).Dumbledore then came up with a place one Horcrux might be hidden,and he and Harry set off for it.
But just at that night,the Dark Mark appeared above the school.Draco Malfoy led Death Eaters flooding into Hogwarts.On one tower,Dumbledore was killed by Snape.After a cruel battle,Harry finally found who the Half Blood Prince was,but it seemed too late.
Honestly speaking,the sixth book of Harry Potter series is not as good as precious ones.But it is very important as it gives clues about Snape and sets foreshadowing for the seventh book.In this book,the core story is not how Malfoy broke the wall of Hogwarts,but how Snape was trusted by Dumbledore and killed him eventually.As there was little description of magic battle which only appeared in the last part of the book,so Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is more like a detective story than a fiction novel.

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