写一篇有关环保话题的英语论文 我没有写英语论文的经验!请提供素材或范文!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:49:54
写一篇有关环保话题的英语论文 我没有写英语论文的经验!请提供素材或范文!
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写一篇有关环保话题的英语论文 我没有写英语论文的经验!请提供素材或范文!

写一篇有关环保话题的英语论文 我没有写英语论文的经验!请提供素材或范文!
To protect the environment
"I want to have a home, I want to have a home, I want to have a home...! Where is it?" This is zengcheng < > > public television broadcast column, a homeless poor animated bird said one word. Is this word that I fell into deep thought: environmental protection, everyone duty!
Nature has given us environment is the precious wealth, we should cherish them. The plant is the nature of natural barrier, Animals are friends of human beings, The ozone layer is the umbrella, Water is the fountain of life. But people are always boasting the environmental protection, and did not take action, people should know: environmental protection is real!
A tree every can absorb carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, the same amount of oxygen, for a factory of the breath day. Plants can absorb noise, and if a flower planting grass, it can greatly reduce the noise pollution. Thus, the plants how important it is to humans. But some people are still not know these, whenever I see by those people trample on the lawn, geert love flowers and kicked down, my heart like a knife, mis-erable. If you lose the flowers and trees, I can't imagine what the world will become a! I learned the third grade a small village, this text, is a beautiful village, because people make the wood-cutters, too, was rushed bare villages. This is what a terrible thing! Don't also can let this happen again in our city?
Animals are friends of human society, is the wealth, we should cherish them. I from < > and < > juveniles lingnan primary > > < modern newspaper already know: America from the world; long cheetahs Fierce MaXiang had killed glaciers, Wrestling already extinct, Big European thunderbird near extinction, Whales are kept, African elephants were forced in the abyss. Extinct From now on, starts from me, and eat less wild animals, prevent hunters hunting animals. Remember the SARS in 2003, because people eat masked civet, by the coronavirus variation caused by SARS.
I obtained from the Internet's protective ozone layer called the earth, because it can block ultraviolet, if not most, the ozone layer, moment by sear will do. Because people use chemicals, Antarctica has revealed a large hole.
Water is also very valuable, according to the TV news report: global seventy percent of the water, the water not belong to salt. According to the statistics: three people, there will be one more water, now also have invented the saline into machine. ShuiLiuSheng "huahua" someone must have no screw tap water saving just boasting, no one remember those who doesn't wash hands, not shut faucet and allow the water flow freely.
In short, environmental protection, can hang in mouth, it is important to action. Everybody wants to use our hands to protect this beautiful and fragile earth.

写一篇有关环保话题的英语论文 我没有写英语论文的经验!请提供素材或范文! 谁能帮我写篇本科英语论文?本人要写一篇关于中西方文化的英语论文, 实在是没有思路,想请各位指点迷津 关于 低碳环保 3分钟左右的英语论文我要一篇关于低碳环保的 3 分钟左右的英语论文 有个比赛要用 希望高手能为我写一篇或者找一篇 不要有语法上的错误,单词的拼写也不要有错 怎么样写一篇有关环保小卫士的作文 如何写一篇有关环保的建议书?急收 以坚持为话题写一篇文章,我写的弹钢琴,要与“坚持弹钢琴”有关, 谁可以帮我写一篇与环保有关的作文要求就1000字! 谁能帮我写一篇有关Internet的英语论文:how internet change our life.中文的也行.相关连接也行.(our life change after the web) 你好 帮我写一下 有关利比亚内战的 英语论文好吗? 1000字左右 有关环保的话题 帮我写一篇话题作文,题目是我向环保宣言! 以环保为话题写一篇作文以环保为话题,扣住世界环保日的主题,1000字左右.我是初中的,不要太幼稚的文章,有点新意.快点,满意的我会追加.今天就要了. 以“我为环保做贡献约话题写一篇作文不少于450字. 我写商务英语论文啊! 我要写小学英语论文 , 给我说一下,有没有写英语论文的 文学类的 你能不能给我写一篇有关初中生的以成长为话题的作文 与环保为话题写一篇作文500