英语翻译It is important to see that we don't just talk about arguments in terms of war.We can actually win or lose arguments.We see the person we are arguing with as an opponent.We attack his positions and we defend our own.We gain and lose groun

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:06:04
英语翻译It is important to see that we don't just talk about arguments in terms of war.We can actually win or lose arguments.We see the person we are arguing with as an opponent.We attack his positions and we defend our own.We gain and lose groun
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英语翻译It is important to see that we don't just talk about arguments in terms of war.We can actually win or lose arguments.We see the person we are arguing with as an opponent.We attack his positions and we defend our own.We gain and lose groun
It is important to see that we don't just talk about arguments in terms of war.We can actually win or lose arguments.We see the person we are arguing with as an opponent.We attack his positions and we defend our own.We gain and lose ground.We plan and use strategies.If we find a position indefensible,we can abandon it and take a new line of attack.Many of the things we do in arguing are partially structured by the concept of war.Though there is no physical battle,there is a verbal battle,and the structure of an argument--attack,defense,counter-attack,etc.---reflects this.It is in this sense that the ARGUMENT IS WAR metaphor is one that we live by in this culture; its structures the actions we perform in arguing.Try to imagine a culture where arguments are not viewed in terms of war,where no one wins or loses,where there is no sense of attacking or defending,gaining or losing ground.Imagine a culture where an argument is viewed as a dance,the participants are seen as performers,and the goal is to perform in a balanced and aesthetically pleasing way.In such a culture,people would view arguments differently,experience them differently,carry them out differently,and talk about them differently.But we would probably not view them as arguing at all:they would simply be doing something different.It would seem strange even to call what they were doing "arguing." In perhaps the most neutral way of describing this difference between their culture and ours would be to say that we have a discourse form structured in terms of battle and they have one structured in terms of dance.This is an example of what it means for a metaphorical concept,namely,ARGUMENT IS WAR,to structure (at least in part) what we do and how we understand what we are doing when we argue.The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another..It is not that arguments are a subspecies of war.Arguments and wars are different kinds of things--verbal discourse and armed conflict--and the actions performed are different kinds of actions.But ARGUMENT is partially structured,understood,performed,and talked about in terms of WAR.The concept is metaphorically structured,the activity is metaphorically structured,and,consequently,the language is metaphorically structured.

英语翻译It is important to see that we don't just talk about arguments in terms of war.We can actually win or lose arguments.We see the person we are arguing with as an opponent.We attack his positions and we defend our own.We gain and lose groun
It is important to see that we don't just talk about arguments in terms of war.
We can actually win or lose arguments.
实际上,我们可以 赢得或输掉 辩论.
We see the person we are arguing with as an opponent.
我们把正在与之争论的人看作是 敌人.
We attack his positions and we defend our own.
We gain and lose ground. We plan and use strategies.
If we find a position indefensible, we can abandon it and take a new line of attack.
Many of the things we do in arguing are partially structured by the concept of war.
Though there is no physical battle, there is a verbal battle, and the structure of an argument--attack, defense, counter-attack, etc.---reflects this.
虽然没有肉体的战斗,但是有口头上的战斗.而 辩论的结构:攻击、反攻击 等等,恰恰反映了这一点.
It is in this sense that the ARGUMENT IS WAR metaphor is one that we live by in this culture; its structures the actions we perform in arguing.
正是在辩论的过程以及我们在争论中采取的行动 这种意义上,辩论就是战争的比喻 成为了我们在这种文化中所信仰的一个理念.
Try to imagine a culture where arguments are not viewed in terms of war, where no one wins or loses, where there is no sense of attacking or defending, gaining or losing ground.
试着去想象这样一种文化,在这种文化中,辩论不再被看作战争、没有人赢或输、攻击或防御 有理或无理 不在有任何的意义.
Imagine a culture where an argument is viewed as a dance, the participants are seen as performers, and the goal is to perform in a balanced and aesthetically pleasing way.
想象一种文化,在这种文化中 辩论被看作是一种跳舞,参与辩论的人 被看作 舞蹈演员,而目标则是以一种平衡而美丽的姿态去完成这曲舞蹈.
In such a culture, people would view arguments differently, experience them differently, carry them out differently, and talk about them differently.
在这样的一种文化中,人们将以不同的眼光去审视辩论,以不同的心情去体会辩论,以不同的方式去完成辩论,并以不同的口吻去谈论 辩论.
But we would probably not view them as arguing at all: they would simply be doing something different.
甚至我们可能干脆不把 辩论看作是 争论:他们只是在做某种不同的事情而已.
It would seem strange even to call what they were doing "arguing."
甚至于 把他们正在做的事情称作 “争论” 都是一件奇怪的事情.
In perhaps the most neutral way of describing this difference between their culture and ours would be to say that we have a discourse form structured in terms of battle and they have one structured in terms of dance.
This is an example of what it means for a metaphorical concept, namely, ARGUMENT IS WAR, to structure (at least in part) what we do and how we understand what we are doing when we argue.
这就是一个隐喻概念到底意味着什么的例子,即在我们争论的时候 “辩论是战争”决定了(至少部分地决定了)我们做什么以及我们如何理解我们的所做所为.
The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another.. It is not that arguments are a subspecies of war.
比喻的实质 就是 用另外一种事情 去理解和体会 所面对的事情.并非辩论就是一场 低级别的战争.
Arguments and wars are different kinds of things--verbal discourse and armed conflict--and the actions performed are different kinds of actions.
辩论和战争是不同的事物--口头演讲 和 武装冲突--而所采取的行动也是不同类型的行动.
But ARGUMENT is partially structured, understood, performed, and talked about in terms of WAR.
但是 “辩论”被部分地 用战争术语进行组织、理解、实现 和谈论.
The concept is metaphorically structured, the activity is metaphorically structured, and, consequently, the language is metaphorically structured.

英文里很通顺的句子,翻译成汉语 有时候就不通顺了.因为 两种语言的词汇 并非一一对应的.并非在英语里具有的词汇汉语里一定有,也不是汉语里的词汇 英语里就一定有对应的词汇.所以要想翻译的非常通顺,必须在读懂意思之后,大幅度地意译.而大幅度地意译 不适合我来给你做,因为与原文偏离过大,不利于你对原文基本意思的理解.所以大幅度的意译 需要你在理解了原文的每句话后,由你自己来进行.

it is very important 英语翻译It is very important for us to ( )( )( )( )our lives 英语翻译Why is it important to have an international perspective 英语翻译Is it important to learn a second language? how important it is 还是how important is it 英语翻译It’s very important----------- --------------- ----------- ------------ ---------------- It is a important problem 英语翻译To learn something effectively,it is important to make it your own. 英语翻译it is important to remember that it is not her behaveir itself that is causing you discomfort Nothing it is Nothing it is important是什么意思 Nothing it is important是什么意思 Nothing it is important是什么意思 英语翻译My dream life does not seem as important as my waking life because there is far less of it,but to me it is important 英语翻译english is too an important subject to you must learn it wellenglish is such an important subject that you must learn it wellenglish is so important that you must learn it well 英语翻译it is important to know both the divisions of labor and distinctions among approaches. 英语翻译It is important _ _ _ _of nature.填4个词 英语翻译“take pride in your appearance”“think that it is important to look good” 英语翻译原句:It is important to be well informed about things 用英语翻译下列句子:It is important ( ) ( ) ( ) to eat ( ) ( )every day. 英语翻译It is important to master the rules for word order in the study of English.