求问一句英国谚语.汤姆斯.哈代的小说《无名的裘德》第六章第五节后半部分有这样一句话:The bride was waiting,ready; bonnet and all on.She had never in her life looked so much like the lily her name connoted as she d

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 20:13:23
求问一句英国谚语.汤姆斯.哈代的小说《无名的裘德》第六章第五节后半部分有这样一句话:The bride was waiting,ready; bonnet and all on.She had never in her life looked so much like the lily her name connoted as she d
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求问一句英国谚语.汤姆斯.哈代的小说《无名的裘德》第六章第五节后半部分有这样一句话:The bride was waiting,ready; bonnet and all on.She had never in her life looked so much like the lily her name connoted as she d
汤姆斯.哈代的小说《无名的裘德》第六章第五节后半部分有这样一句话:The bride was waiting,ready; bonnet and all on.She had never in her life looked so much like the lily her name connoted as she did in that pallid morning light.译文是:新娘在屋里等着,一切就绪,穿戴得齐齐整整.她名苏珊娜,可是她这辈子还没有过像那天在早晨青白光色中那样,名副其实地堪称百合花①.译文的注释:①这是句英国谚语.翻译注释欠详,我无法弄明白.请问:译者所谓的英国谚语到底指的是什么谚语?能够给我详细介绍一下这句谚语的情况.请大师赐教,

求问一句英国谚语.汤姆斯.哈代的小说《无名的裘德》第六章第五节后半部分有这样一句话:The bride was waiting,ready; bonnet and all on.She had never in her life looked so much like the lily her name connoted as she d
不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足.(英国剧作家 莎士比亚 .W .)