请你给下列问句找出相应的答句,将编号写在前面的括号内.A.I have a headache.B.I spend half an hour on chores each day.C.I like New York better.D.I’m going to go to the mall.E.That’s my cousin,Jason.F.No,you can’t.G.Twice a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 03:29:47
请你给下列问句找出相应的答句,将编号写在前面的括号内.A.I have a headache.B.I spend half an hour on chores each day.C.I like New York better.D.I’m going to go to the mall.E.That’s my cousin,Jason.F.No,you can’t.G.Twice a
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请你给下列问句找出相应的答句,将编号写在前面的括号内.A.I have a headache.B.I spend half an hour on chores each day.C.I like New York better.D.I’m going to go to the mall.E.That’s my cousin,Jason.F.No,you can’t.G.Twice a
A.I have a headache.B.I spend half an hour on chores each day.
C.I like New York better.D.I’m going to go to the mall.
E.That’s my cousin,Jason.F.No,you can’t.
G.Twice a day.H.You must talk quietly and line up at the desk.
I.My grandma.J.It costs 150 Yuan.
( ) 1.How many hours in a day do you spend on chores?
( ) 2.Who is your father’s nephew?
( ) 3.Which city do you like better,Washington,D.C or New York City?
( ) 4.What’s wrong with you?
( ) 5.Where are you going to go?
( ) 6.Who gets up earliest in your family?
( ) 7.How often do you usually set the table?
( ) 8.How much does your new bike cost?
( ) 9.What should I do in the library?
( ) 10.Can I walk across the street when the light is yellow?

请你给下列问句找出相应的答句,将编号写在前面的括号内.A.I have a headache.B.I spend half an hour on chores each day.C.I like New York better.D.I’m going to go to the mall.E.That’s my cousin,Jason.F.No,you can’t.G.Twice a
( B ) 1.How many hours in a day do you spend on chores?
( E ) 2.Who is your father’s nephew?
( C ) 3.Which city do you like better,Washington,D.C or New York City?
( A ) 4.What’s wrong with you?
( D ) 5.Where are you going to go?
( I.) 6.Who gets up earliest in your family?
( G ) 7.How often do you usually set the table?
( J.) 8.How much does your new bike cost?
( H ) 9.What should I do in the library?
( F ) 10.Can I walk across the street when the light is yellow?


请你给下列问句找出相应的答句,将编号写在前面的括号内.A.I have a headache.B.I spend half an hour on chores each day.C.I like New York better.D.I’m going to go to the mall.E.That’s my cousin,Jason.F.No,you can’t.G.Twice a 选择句子,将对话补充完整,将字母编号写在相应的横线上. 请将被打乱的顺序的问句和答句重新搭配一下,把正确的答句的字母标号写在相应问句前的括号里, 科学六年级上第四单元A卷 把下列动物的编号写在相应的括号中 初一英语写出相应的问句或答句! (英语)根据答句写出相应的问句. 将下列句中省略的内容补写在相应的括号中.( )昂首观之,项为之强.一日,见二( )虫斗( )草间. 找出下列每组词语中的两个错别字 ,并将正确的字写在下面 给下列成语找出相应比喻意思的成语!一箭双雕( ) 飞蛾投火( )水落石出( ) 画蛇添足( )虎头蛇尾( ) 掩耳盗铃( ) 根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上Zhang Peng:Hi,Chen Jie._________________________?Chen Jie:I went to the hospital yesterday.Zhang Peng:____ A: B:I went to the park last weeekend.根据答句,写出相应的问句 已知答句I can play ping-pong. 写出相应的问句 根据答句写出相应问句.he likes making kites. 索溪峪的作者做了哪些具体的描写?找出相应的句子,写在下面 三,将所给的问句与答句配对,将答案写在横线上,并翻译句子.1、Will this plant grow? A Yes,they will.2、What will happen? B.It needs water,soil and light.3、Will the robots clean the lamps? C No,there won 找出不同类的词,将字母编号写在括号内.1:A:Chinese B:Britain C:Australian D:Canadian2:A:France B:German C:Japan D:America请火速回答 根据答句提示,写出相应的问句,是对话合理,通顺.问句:答句:There is an end table,a bed and a closet in my room. 找出划线部分发音不同的其他3个的选项把其他字母编号写在括号内