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Get an a ll2round understanding of the standard system for
pa ssenger dedica ted ra ilway and establish a new concept of
ra ilway construction
J in Shouhua
Abstract Discussions were made of p rimary p rincip les for un2
derstanding of standard of passenger dedicated railways,particu2
larly technical standard for track work,subgrade work,bridge
work,and tunnelwork,etc.,as specified in five design codes,
namely J ingHu High Speed Railway,250km /h Passenger Dedi2
cated Railway,200km /h Passenger Dedicated Railway,Passen2
ger and FreightMixed Railway,and Speed Increase of Existing
Railway.Specific recommendationswere raised concerning vari2
ous specialties.
Keywords passenger dedicated railway,construction standard,
key technology,understanding
Con struction equipment for track work of pa ssenger dedica2
ted ra ilway
Zeng Zonggen
Abstract A descrip tion is given to ideas for construction equip2
ment for passenger dedicated railway according to characteristics
of track work and experience learned from abroad and QinShen
Passenger Dedicated Railway in China.Relevant recommenda2
tionswere raised.
Keywords passenger dedicated railway,track construction,
construction equipment
Recommenda tions on design and lay ing of turnouts for high
speed ra ilway
J ia Zh iwu
Abstract Turnouts are the weakest point of track structure in
high speed railway,and are key equipment controlling running
speed of trains.An analysiswasmade of existing p roblems in de2
sign,manufacture,and laying of turnouts,and imp rovement o2
p inionswere given.
Keywords high speed railway turnout,structure design,laying
of turnouts,recommendation
The exactitude position method for 2 000 t prefabr ica ted box
beam on pier top
Shen Yangyun
Abstract Based on the 2 000 t p refabricated box beam erection
of Donghai B ridge,in this article,the work p rincip le of the slip2
page exactitude position equipment on p ier top and exactitude po2
sition method for large2scalemembers setting are introduced.The
F4 board set at temporary bearing bottom are adop ted to be the
slipp ing surface for exactitude position equipment.The p lane po2
sition of box beam on p ier top is adjusted by level jack.Box
beam setting highness is controlled effectively with steel sand
jack p re2p ressed before used.The equipment is used to erect po2
sition for large2scale box beam and p recision of its p lane position
and highness can meet comp letely the expectations that code or2
Keywords large2scale box beam,erection,exactitude position
Ana lysis of sta tica l and dynam ica l test of large span one tow2
er cable2stayed br idge
Sh i Zhou,Cao F ahu i,Pu Q ianhu i
Abstract Test the deflection of the beam and the tower,the
change of tension of the cables,and the stress of the beam and
the tower of Yibin Zhongba J inshajiang River B ridge ( one tower
252 m2span cable2stayed bridge) under static loads.The test re2
sults indicate that the structure has enough stiffness and strength
.The natural vibration of the structure is tested,and the impact
of the passing vehicles is analyzed.And the uses of results of
static and dynamical tests in damage detection during the service
period of the bridge is analyzed.
Keywords Cable2stayed bridge,static test,dynamical test,
natural vibration,impact
Ana lysis of the surface settlements due to shield tunneling
Zhang Ha ibo,Yin Zongze,Zhu J ungao
Abstract The ground surface settlements due to earth2p ressure2
balance shield tunnelingwas simulated using 32D nonlinear finite
element p rogram.Those influence factors such as overlay soil
dep th,outside diameter of the tunnel,cabin earth p ressure,and
the tail voids were studied.A calculation formula was p roposed
base on the upper analysis,the comparison between the calculat2
ed and measured surface settlements in Pearl L ine of Shanghai
Metro from South Pudong station to Nanpu B ridge station p roved
the reasonability and credibility of the p roposed.
Keywords metro,surface settlement,influence factor,formula
Applica tion of CFG piles in the ground consolida tion con2
L v Q in
Abstract In the groundswith lower capacity,ground consolida2
tion by CFG p iles can form composite foundation,not only im2
p rove soil capacity,but also reduce cost of construction and
shorten work term,compared with other consolidatingmethods.
Keywords ground consolidation,CFG p iles,composite foun2
dation,ground capacity,settlement
D iscussion on manufactur ing techn ique of ra ilway track
sleeper of long line pedesta l
Xiao Hongzhang
Abstract This paper introduces the characteristic of manufac2
turing technique of railway track sleeperwith a method of flowing
watermachine and a method of long line pedestal by our country
p resent condition,elaborating the important point of long line
pedestal technological design,construction method,quantity
control and the quantity examination,putting forward the im2
p rovement suggestion to the existent p roblem suggestion.
Keywords method of pedestal,track sleeper,manufacturing
technique,quantity control