
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 16:10:04
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It was in an unbelievable heart that the opening ceremony was so perpfect,and there were much too workers who paid a lot of effort.I was proud of this great moments as every act came from China,especially there was a large and unexpected draw in the center of the bird net which made people from all over the world intoxicate long.About one and a half hours later,the athletes admission ceremony began from which I saw many countries seriously,and all of it should be honorable whatever had the number of athletes.I was so moved when all of the audiences in the bird net welcomed the athletes of chinese,Taibei better than previous athletes,which surely made them perceive coming back home.At last,Li Ning,who eventually made the main tourh light up called the prince of gymnastics.There had much too entertainments which could not describe.Mrs Liu,What did you think so?
Simply said:"When the nest far into the periphery,the heart is a feeling of excitement and can not say to the excitement.After all,the 29th Olympic Games was held in Beijing,the capital of.Into the nest,by the hope of Next is the opening ceremony,look up to the rise of fireworks filled the head of color,people Liulianwangfan and then use the ancient culture embodied the spirit of the Olympic Games in Beijing culture.These in fact sufficient to carry forward the dissemination of Chinese culture,more people can remember Culture and history.Let me after the most shocking:"Li Ning" his age is 45 years old,but also insisted the Olympic Games,Xiangyun adhere to hold high the torch,hanging wires; vacated in the nest on the wall of Huazhou on the run.At this juncture,the sacred flame has been ignited,but the nest site,the friends of the feelings of excitement or not dispersed.The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most discussed and anticipated event through out Beijing ever since Beijing bid for it years ago.Yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after Beijing’s successful bid.In my opinion,to bridge the gap between a promise and reality,Beijing still has a long way to go.Here are some of my ideas on how to fill that gap.

8 August 2008
Jacques Rogge, President, International Olympic Committee
“That was spectacular. Tonight, the world was able to join in a magnificent tribute to the athletes and the Olymp...


8 August 2008
Jacques Rogge, President, International Olympic Committee
“That was spectacular. Tonight, the world was able to join in a magnificent tribute to the athletes and the Olympic spirit. It was an unforgettable and moving ceremony that celebrated the imagination, originality and energy of the Beijing Games.”
“We saw 204 national delegations march into the beautiful new National Stadium in the age-old tradition of the Games. Millions of people around the world were able to experience the thrill of seeing their heroes in a sea of team colours and national flags.”
“We witnessed athletes from these 204 countries and territories united in peace in one place. And for the next 16 days, they will be a part of one of the most thrilling competitions in history. As an Olympian, I can tell you that they will carry this memory with them forever. ”
“This iconic stadium is one of the world’s new wonders. It was a fitting setting for an amazing Opening Ceremony, I look forward to an equally exciting and unforgettable 16 days.”
Hein Verbruggen, IOC Member and Chairman of the Coordination Commission for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad
“Opening ceremonies have always been a way for host cities to welcome the world and for the world to gather and share the Olympic spirit. This ceremony to open the Beijing Olympic Games was a breathtaking culmination of seven years of planning and preparation. The world will remember this for a long time.”
“Tonight wasn’t the end of a journey, but the fantastic beginning of 16 days of outstanding sport competition. This was a night to remember — for the Chinese people, and for the world.”
“As I watched the rehearsals for this ceremony, I knew this night would be absolutely astonishing. However, the actual event exceeded all my expectations. This was an unprecedented and grand success.”


I think hosting the Olympic games 2008 will have a positive effect on the Chinese economy.
First, there will be millions of foreigners come to China to see the Olympic Games, these foreginers wil...


I think hosting the Olympic games 2008 will have a positive effect on the Chinese economy.
First, there will be millions of foreigners come to China to see the Olympic Games, these foreginers will consume during their staying in China, for example, they eat foods in restaurants, live in hotels, they are like those travellers who visits China.
Second, the Olympic games creates more job opportunities for local workers. Olympic games ususlly requires a standard of the gymnasiums for the sport games, so there will be more building needed.
Third, the past data show most countries' economies improved after hosting an Olypmic games.


英:Olympic game opening ceremony, the vehemence be great, concussion public.Having no strong national strength to prop up isn't imaginable.
Openning widely director to habitually clap a big condit...


英:Olympic game opening ceremony, the vehemence be great, concussion public.Having no strong national strength to prop up isn't imaginable.
Openning widely director to habitually clap a big condition, seeming this time how was habituallyungrateful to everyone's one expectation.
The whole literature perform, will light electricity, the lighting, color be exertive to extreme achievement.High technology of give out light a technique, combine a great deal of of soldier long time train, the effect for attain have to shock dint very much.Music, usage several China ancient times music, for example Guqin, stroke musical instrument, play etc. in the city, more and so introduction China tradition music.Slight imperfection BE, that female singer in the foreign country of Liu2 Huan Gen sing of song, phrase and song seem to be all good, isn't suitable for Olympic game this kind of big condition.Another piano of Lang Lang is really handsome.Turn aspect in the on display state language, selection China ancient times four big invention, drama, piano chess calligraphy and painting, too pole, ancient times fly a day, modern carry a person an aerospace etc. topic, personal feel very quite good, of each topic of transition also very smooth nature.Most most make what I touched BE, come from a Sichuan anti- earthquake hero child within relief and Yao clear walk together at China delegation of front, conceive outline skillful, temporarily got around that sorrow of condition, with optimism aggressive of way to expression nation to this graveness history disaster of attitude.Among them, the body appear of humanities concern also times be subjected to thinking.
There is creativity in China, there is confidence in China, China at change
Thousand year history of great and impressive country, thousand year cultural bottom Yun of deep accumulate Dian, from open painting winding of that for an instant beginning to pleasing way in the world~ China of ancient times four big invention, thou Chinese characters of deduce for thousand years variety, from the Silk Road, fly of Dun Huang day, arrive sea of china, the road of pottery, from the city play, Kun song and too pole ……Tang poem Sung phrase.....China of the musical instrument also deduce a sounds of nature sort here of joy voice, the most ancient musical instrumentwhile open and at that time start to knock and once took the whole world to ancient times of civilization.in this longly book Chinese showed whole world to have 5,000 year brilliancy brilliant civilization of China, present toward the world a China of long book, history of long book, civilization of long book. move people's heart, especially Confucius of 3,000 pupil loudly read aloud end continuously read aloud:the whole world inside, all brothers is also also pair of China peaceable wishes expression thoroughly, Chinese pair of whole world all be become oneself of friend, oneself of brothers sister!desire peace, look forward to peace!
The people in China are proud of for the arrival in this day, shout, battle cry, we circle we 100 in the last years of dream, face come China of the Olympics, Olympic the color finally had China red, Chinese nation of great the Teng fly no longer is dream, let five wreath ensigns flaunt a sky in Peking. China encourage and the Chinese athlete encourage.China has already moved forward a brand-new of period!Really openned an entrance to a country, the arrival of the whole world guest companion is welcome, the motherland which wish a wish us more prosperity prosperous gradually head into world economy big country!
千年历史的泱泱大国,千年文化底蕴的深厚积淀,从打开画卷的那一瞬间开始就向世界娓娓道来~ 中华的古代四大发明,古汉字的千年演绎变化,从丝绸之路,墩煌的飞天、到海上的瓷器,陶器之路,从京剧、昆曲、太极……唐诗宋词.....中国的乐器也在这里演绎着天籁般的乐声,最古老的乐器<缶>在开幕时第一时间敲起,把全世界一下带到了古代的文明.在这副长卷中中国人让全世界看到了有着五千年辉煌灿烂文明的中国,向世界呈现一幅中国的长卷、历史的长卷、文明的长卷。 震撼人心,特别是孔子的三千弟子高声朗诵时最后不停的念着:四海之内,皆兄弟也 更是把中国爱好和平的愿望表达得淋漓尽致,中国人把全世界都当成了自己的朋友,自己的兄弟姐妹!渴望和平,向往和平!
中国人民为这一天的到来自豪着,呼喊着,呐喊着,我们圆了我们100年来的梦想,迎来了中国的奥运,奥林匹克色彩终于有 了中国红,中华民族的伟大腾飞不再是梦想,让五环旗飘扬在北京的上空。 中国加油,中华健儿加油.中国已经迈进了一个崭新的时期!真正的打开了国门,欢迎四海宾朋的到来,祝愿我们的祖国更加繁荣昌盛逐步迈向世界经济强国!



Feedback Olympic Games is an article on the "Feedback Games". This article by Pham Van meticulously collected network. The article from the Internet, the article belongs to original author. I hope thi...


Feedback Olympic Games is an article on the "Feedback Games". This article by Pham Van meticulously collected network. The article from the Internet, the article belongs to original author. I hope this article will help you.
Every four years, "Olympic Games" in Athens, Greece has begun. In this time about two weeks, I saw a lot of unforgettable scenes of excitement and I very much worth learning.
The Olympic Games, China's Olympic athletes won 32 gold, 17 silver and 14 bronze on their achievements. Of course, is not only the medal winners worth learning, as long as it is on behalf of the motherland to participate in all Olympic athletes are worthy of our study. In this | this article by Pham Van www.01power.com network collected | Olympic Games, China has several projects to achieve a historic breakthrough. Such as: tennis women's doubles, players Li Ting and Sun Tiantian won the gold medal. I want to: they should have been training very hard, and they fear the summer heat, winter cold fear, the use of race in its own wisdom and strength to overcome a tenacious opponent. There are canoe: Meng Guanliang, Yang Wenjun, 110 meter hurdles: Liu Xiang, who achieved a historic breakthrough to win the honor for the motherland. I practice in the projects in synchronized swimming, the Chinese team played very well. Xiao Huan our sister, sister Bebe to the beautiful dancing, neat action, skilled, won the seventh double their achievements. Yu Hua's powerful Russian team, won the double, a collective of two gold medals. They are highly skilled, expressive, and there is a wealth of experience in competition, these points we are still far too poor. In the women's volleyball Olympic Games projects in China again after 20 years of glory. Although the main players Zhao Ruirui play less than 3 minutes off the wounded, but her team members with their tenacious perseverance, sophisticated technology, won the gold medal, the Chinese women's volleyball glory again 20 years later.
Through the Olympic Games, I learned a lot of people in general have not the spirit. In the arena to calm them cool and never yielding. To be tenacious, have perseverance, wisdom, in order to beat his opponent to defeat their own. Read | This article by Pham Van www.01power.com network collected | Olympics, I think other people with their own level, the spirit of the poor is different. From now on, I would like to train hard, not afraid of setbacks in the training, adhere to in the end, when they grow up to China's Olympic athletes, like standing on top of the podium, the motherland, for Beijing, won the honor for themselves.


The 29th Summer Olympic Games in Beijing has attracted attention from all over the world.With magnificent opening and closing ceremony of strong Chinese characterastics,the game turns out to be a grea...


The 29th Summer Olympic Games in Beijing has attracted attention from all over the world.With magnificent opening and closing ceremony of strong Chinese characterastics,the game turns out to be a great success. From around the world,people of different language and skin colour met in Beijing to have this big event of human being together.They were warmly welcomed by hospitable Chinese friends and provided with services of great quality.During their stay in Beijing,they were deeply impressed by various Chinese cuisines and different Chinese customs.In the games,athletes fought their best for the medals in an environment of fairness and justness.But what really mattered was not medals but the improved athletic level and friendship they made during their participation.There were also touching stories in the game,for example, the German gymnast Chusovitina,in a mother's age, fought her best in the game to raise money for her son's medical treatment. Another one was Su Liwen from China Taipei,she finished his Taekwondo game regardless of her injured legs.I'm very impressed by the game and so proud to be a Chinese.I think we cannot get the right to host the Olympic Games to be such a success without the increasing national strength of our motherland.




China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our wom...


China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today
With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.
I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.
Thank you. Thank you all.
I was born in Beijing and live in Beijing, and I love Beijing very much. When I heard that Beijing will have a chance to hold the 2008 Olympic Games I feel very happy and excited, and I hope I can do something useful to build Beijing into a beautiful and energetic city.
I n the twenty-first century, environment is becoming more and more important, so we have Green Olympic as a slogan. Of course slogan is just a goal, the most important thing is we should do some things to make it true. Such as assort the trash, save the energy and so on. We are still students now, so we cant do anything really big. But if everybody does something good for our environment we could make Beijing more beautiful.
In fact the things we can do are easy. Like not littering the useless batteries everywhere, assort the trash which we want to throw away, and also protect the animals and plants around us, because they are important parts of the energetic Beijing.
Luckily I had a chance to take part in an activity that is we planted 5 trees in our campus. My classmates and I worked very hard. This activity doesnt only plant trees, but also contribute to our environment. Look at the trees, I believe, tomorrow there will be more trees and flowers standing in Beijing and give Beijingers a beautiful environment.
We are all Chinese people, live on the earth. We have only one capital, just like we have only one earth. If we dont beautify our environment, who will? Good environment depends on good human consciousness. We should say that protecting our
surroundings is not easy. Thats why Im standing here to summon people do it.
The 2008 Olympics games is coming, this is a chance for us to show the good environment we have to other people. If we do from the bottom of our heart, Beijings tomorrow will be more brilliant it will have blue skies, cleaner rivers. Who dont want Beijing to become more and more beautiful? If we do our best, tomorrow will be better!