
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:36:52
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关键词:施工企业 内部控制 现状 对策

Construction enterprise internal control is a modern enterprise management's important management way, and is also improving the management level of the enterprise and the important means of promoting enterprise competitiveness. Internal control constantly perfect can enhance enterprise contract, the completeness of the incentive-restricted mechanism within the enterprise is more effective.
This paper through analyzing present situation of the construction of internal control in enterprises, from the establishment of internal control system of the effectiveness of sound and implementation, and put forward the construction enterprise shall establish and perfect system, clear the subcontract works, settlement, machinery and materials procurement procedures; Strengthen the internal contain between departments, clear responsibilities, give full play to the internal audit function, to strengthen management effectively control the cost and improve the economic benefit purposes.
关键词:Construction enterprise、 internal control 、status 、countermeasures

For the Modern enterprise management is the construction enterprise internal control ,and it also can improve the mangement levels ,it can strength the enterprise competitiveness.for the internal co...


For the Modern enterprise management is the construction enterprise internal control ,and it also can improve the mangement levels ,it can strength the enterprise competitiveness.for the internal control will be perfect the contract the completeness and make the better incentive and constraint mechanism ,through the article analysis will be improve the enterprise internal control .and built up the From the internal control system, the establishment of sound, and puts forward the effectiveness and execution perfect system, the construction enterprise shall establish clear of the subcontract works settlement, machinery and materials procurement procedures; Strengthen the internal contain between departments, clear responsibilities, give full play to the internal audit function, to strengthen management effectively control the cost and improve the economic benefit purposes.


英语翻译因为本人英文水平欠佳,而且论文马上就要交了,所以急求各位英文高手帮我翻译一下摘要和关键字.我向您保证一定会再加分的!P.S.希望各位英文高手能帮个忙,感激不尽!摘要(如果想 英语翻译如题 本人文采欠佳, 推荐适合高中生阅读的作文杂志本人作文水平欠佳,希望最好以佳作为主, 英语翻译很想学这首歌,但粤语水平欠佳,希望各位高手能多指教指教, 英语翻译本人写论文急用, 英语翻译本人水平有限 英语翻译因本人要交一篇相关论文,可惜英文水平不尽人意,不知道一些关键词确切翻译,请翻译以下关键词:一,学历二,职称三,管理人员四,大中专毕业生五,行政机构 帮我用英文来介绍沙滩排球这一体育运动一定要用英文来写,要有中文翻译的!字数在二百五十左右!可从多角度来写!本人英文水平欠佳,希望得到众多外语达人的帮助,小弟感激不尽!好的话会再 英语翻译本人英文不好 英语翻译因为书中有很多的习题,而由于本人水平有限,所以很多不确定. 英语翻译本人英语能力有限,而且英文版价钱更高,两百多。 英语翻译由于近期本人要写一篇有关人肉搜索引擎的论文,需要了解“人肉搜索”的英文解释,跪谢! 英语翻译朋友叫我帮他把一封中文信翻译一下,因为本人水平有限,希望有那位精通英语的朋友帮个忙(是把中文翻成英文)有意的朋友留一个名,.. 英语翻译就是旁边写着Our story begins in 1837 in New York City的视频~注:人名是Charles Lewis Tiffany.不好意思,因为本人水平有限。还有,我要的是英文噢~ 英语翻译本人英语欠佳,还请高手出马,帮忙以下中文翻成英文,利用MATLAB实现离散时间系统的时域和频域分析目的1.进一步熟悉和掌握通过系统函数H(Z)分析离散时间系统的时域和频域特性;2. 英语翻译本人英文比较垃圾, 英语翻译本人英文能力有限 英语翻译本人英文不是很好,