
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 18:21:06
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Ladies and gentlemen,please welcome NBA ommissioner(David Stern Jonson?
人名 不确定),and TNT (Earni 这里又是一个什么名字) by the presentation of younger all star game most valuable
player award.
All right,thank you very much of welldone Phoenix bring in a two young TNT and now the MVP hardware to be presented by the commissioner David
Thank you Phoenix for greeting all star reception.
Thank you NBA player for being the best in the world,and being around community all the week.
Thank you for containing us tonight,and there a co-MVPs for now of each have all star MVPs to their credit.
Join me and congratulating--Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal as the co-MVPs
of the 2009 NBA all star game.
All right guys,so ,who's medaled this goal on first?
I am just glad to be here,probably my last one,37 I am just () ,coach
is just voted to me today and I am just happy ,.looking for me and all the
others was looking for me and apprechiate ,and I am glad to be here
Shaq's,this is a very entertaining day from you from start to finish,
what got you in the pregame intros?
well I just want to do some different,you know my kids ,they love the
Jabberwockeez,and I love Jabberwockeez .they has to come to do some..
you know I just wanna to be a little different.
Hey KOBE,the last time,you all play together was June of 2004,so
almose five years ago,what would you like to be,on the same side
with Phil Jackson (and excel then这3个词实在听不清了..
Well it was fun ,it's fun,you known Phil..er..guide a couple of days was
play two may games I can used to,and when we back to and used to do so,
so it was fun.
And both of you have a good appreciation for the history of the game,
Oscar Robertson was the MVP of the all-star game three times,so was Michael,
Bob Pettit,four times,you guys lead the company now,what's that lead to you,
The big legion there is!
How about KOBE?
I can No better than that,right?
Kobe Bryant,Shaquille O'Neal co-MVPs of all-star 2009!



全明星,科比奥尼尔!谁能帮我把下面的视频英文写出来吗?能翻译出来也好啊,大概意思就可以 科比62分!麦迪今天7分!麦迪凭什么入选NBA全明星?太气人了,麦迪打球一点男人本色都没有!总是软绵绵的! 谁能帮我把下面这段话翻成英文?片头动画最重要的目的就是宣传影片和吸引观众,因此必须富有感染力和吸引力.Premiere作为目前流行的视频编辑软件,充分发挥其强大的视频处理功能,一定可以 英语翻译CCTV5今年转播NBA全明星赛时,有一个放过两遍的全明星赛宣传片,纯英语,就是一个黑人在沙漠画出篮球场那个.谁能把整段英语翻译下? 各位能不能把下面的理化实验的视频发给我实验A 探究小石块中是否含有碳酸盐 实验B 探究碳酸钠的部分性质 能把宋晓磊的视频也给我一份么 歌词中有“everybody go full,let get it on,gonna move your body dont stop your move...”百度搜索视频“onepub 2010年10月15日ONEpub全明星开业派对”放的一首歌曲~真的很好听. 生化全明星第二十一题答案是什么?cs的活动 最好给我个视频除非你认为你口头比视频讲的好,谢谢我会追分的! 求下面这个视频的英文歌, 下面视频中看到的名词 summer slam啥意思?summer slam 我看WWE的时候老说 summer slam 要开始了!这个到底啥意思 是想NBA 的全明星赛? 谁能帮我把这段视频中的英文翻译成中文http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTAxOTU1OTc2.html 这段视频是没有中文字幕的,麻烦帮我把他说的翻译一下 怎样把下面各比化简成最简的整数比 谁能帮我把下面的字打出来. 为什么我把PR视频拖到视频轨道的时候也拖到了音频轨道?视频和音频轨道怎样分开啊,我要对视频单独操作 happy wake up的视频!我想把春春的《Happy wake up》的视频弄到我的博客上,可是没有正确的视频地址!发一个有效的视频! 不动明王阵怎么加速我看视频上比我转的快啊