
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:05:36
xo}K.gيlm(P0$%ǻXVQdIXb[dˆjѢe3S~gxe'QҦR0ݙ|v4\L:O{=_\}?=,f)߲B6}fғ{{aL6oK魝];W+^Rtm*Xjwy_R7dga,O^SIgJ?_3;oŝf^w8؂jiDt\K﬑Rxf$|?{VC[$OE/}Utmv_z=rn(9RKT{?ABծz1.wTy'{fZ]xM{˫VrtO->6K-Y*Ig0׶3.vPj!e 1v6ԂE>锵eX_?tuė\U1H`#%NtTϬl MoSe ^! \PKhIr>݄~[Vs ΂ZćB#JQv܎!DHq4LWZMH@' wE1CSLM(2IFQboF&O+{|tmTb:"l rߟ)1<))ΨiH6gTjdҩ!o#[M'O)Tle18}@ֱ@xPpЈ`B9o 7-{:Z*ml0q"Vu<rHGZM_IfӉ~L=W z?"0 cApb~M/gmF`]8n_E0`E=\k63JQ*J^x%;g붤UhY'l{-c?nMh>VoHdqJVzK"~ sGO֬bR)wt"cR}tކK@@R0>j ^.G KLš GAyu ( Ee}Kd=UiPm7!g*ĩ_TXs4} m{6m +-,1u=&TAOBSC׺Z:5l;LkSŌ!H߷86^q5ږ$-*k|l F`V"e|9e2 i"I4+ E|Z _/} ZI 0D~'=WĽ<1-0!G [%qi^925q\8Z &ˋtk0}9 LH1B ` }3{nrϝbmr/ ү1YB:t{zR) ؄EOx < QQ3-#$|>cB"iN;k,'hE(:R!Ȃc? M/Ue=ccFlR8u'q'X;L)F5x5{.0/G f·Qbԁɓ#*gTv-%!7 R6 <xl0o9`#DxnoMSAZA4QdQ'[- tM9Nů'


You need put the material in to consideration instead of just concern the price,the raw material we used for wedge(不太确定是不是这个)are super.
2.您希望的价格是多少?What's your target price?
3.我们的最底起订量是每款500双The minmum quantity is 500 pairs per style
4.一分价钱一分货You will get what you pay for.
We can accept your target price as long as you accept the substitute material
We suggest you use the available mould or need re-open the mould which costs 6500Rmb each.
8.一般发货时间为信用证到30天.Delivery date:L/c 30 days
9.看样子,您是专家,请指教 You are the expert,aren't you?
10.我们希望能有很好的合作.We wise the the success of our cooperation
11.希望可以更深一步了解.We hope we can increase mutual trust.
Everyone is suffering form the current finance crisis,we produce orders even without profit as we need keep the system running.

1. needs to look the cargo the material quality, cannot only listen to the price, our wedge is the price which
genuine materials 2. you hoped is how many
3. our most bottoms gets up subscrib...


1. needs to look the cargo the material quality, cannot only listen to the price, our wedge is the price which
genuine materials 2. you hoped is how many
3. our most bottoms gets up subscribes the quantity is a price which each section
500 pair of 4.1 minute price
minute goods 5. may defer to you to give, replaces 6. with the different
material if you used existing pattern that to be best, otherwise had to open traces, the sample which traced the need
6500 Yuan 7. to defer to you to give, you only needed to pay the postage, if you did not have the original design, you had to give the big goods two time of price
8. generally consignment time for the letter of credit to 30The day
9. evidently, you are the expert, please advise
10. us to hope can have the very good cooperation
11. hopes to be possible deeper one step to understand
12. at present financial crisis, everybody does not feel better, because must detain the staff, therefore does not have the profit also to do


1. Need to see material goods, can not listen to the price, our wedge is a real material is material
2. You want the price of how much
3. We are the most since the end of each set is the 500...


1. Need to see material goods, can not listen to the price, our wedge is a real material is material
2. You want the price of how much
3. We are the most since the end of each set is the 500 pairs of
4. A price of a cargo
5. Can you give the prices, instead of using different materials
6. If you use it the best of existing patterns, or else it is necessary to re-open feeling, a feeling the need for 6500 yuan
7. In accordance with the samples to you, you only need to pay shipping, if you did not reproduce, you have to give twice the price of large cargo
8. The general delivery times for letters of credit to 30 days
9. It appears that you are an expert, please advise
10. We hope to have a good co-operation
11. Hope to deeper understanding of
12. The current financial crisis, we are not better because of the need to retain staff, so there is no profit


中翻英,1.需要看货物的材质,不能光听价格,我们的楔子是真材实料的2.您希望的价格是多少3.我们的最底起订量是每款500双4.一分价钱一分货5.可以按照您给的价格,用不同的材料代替6.如果您用 合金钢板材质电厂需要什么材质的合金钢板 铝为啥不能做换热器的材质 英语翻译我们的货物发生了改变,请查收附件内容.关于交付方式,请查看以下内容.1.货物 2.货物 3.货物 4.货物 5.货物以上1-4的货物需要走海运,我们走40HQ可以吗?但是其中1的交付方式为DDP,其他 关于数学问题的,帮帮忙,初一数学的,请写出计算过程1.用汽车若干辆装运一批货物,每辆汽车装3.5吨货物,这批货物就有2吨不能运走;每辆汽车装4吨货物,那么装完这批货物后,还可以装其他货物1 材质为QT450-10的铸件需要什么材质的生铁 高强度紧固件常见有哪些材质,其中哪些材质的紧固件需要发黑? 要运320吨货物,汽车5次运了这批货物的四分之一,运完这批货物还需要多少次 打磨镁合金产品需要什么材质的磨头最安全? 哪些材质不能测熔融指数 反应釜采用304或者316L材质,能不能抵御双氧水的腐蚀?如果不能请教用什么材质最好? 看火花如何识别不锈钢材质有人可以根据角磨机打出来的火花判断不锈钢的材质 跪求有谁知道 中翻英,求手翻.我们需要你们将此票货物打成托盘,请报给我们由此产生的费用. 不锈钢规格304/2B 材质0.3,这里的材质0.看上面这篇资讯吧,这个材质是什么意思不太明白. 什么材质需要发黑处理? 20%的硫酸,20%的硝酸和2%的氢氟酸,需要用不锈钢加热器加热到80°左右,加热器用什么样的不锈钢材质最好不锈钢不能在80°的温度下和这三种酸发生反应 有一车货物需要搬运,第一天工人们搬运了5分之2的货物,第二天又搬运了3分之1的货物,还剩下20吨货物,一共有多少吨货物? 甲仓库有货物184吨,乙仓库有货物50吨,要使乙仓库的货物是甲仓库货物的一半,需要从甲仓库调入乙仓库多少吨货物?