Smurfs’ Village 任务grow some artichokes for some lost deer while they find their way home? 是什么意思? 我已经种了满了artichokes啊.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:50:43
Smurfs’ Village 任务grow some artichokes for some lost deer while they find their way home? 是什么意思? 我已经种了满了artichokes啊.
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Smurfs’ Village 任务grow some artichokes for some lost deer while they find their way home? 是什么意思? 我已经种了满了artichokes啊.
Smurfs’ Village 任务
grow some artichokes for some lost deer while they find their way home? 是什么意思? 我已经种了满了artichokes啊.

Smurfs’ Village 任务grow some artichokes for some lost deer while they find their way home? 是什么意思? 我已经种了满了artichokes啊.
为那些迷路的小鹿种一些artichoke 可能是你种的不够多?你种过以后收获了么?有的任务是种了以后收获了才算完成的

smurfs village:take a photo of the village,这个任务怎么做啊? smurfs village如何解开雕像 蓝精灵村庄send smurfs任务要如何完成? send 2 smurfs to fetch a potion from the old village site smurfs' village蓝精灵村庄jokey不送礼物了smurfs' village蓝精灵村庄,原来玩的时候改过时间,现在有个任务是collect a package from jokey,但是jokey不送礼物了,怎么办呀…… iphone里 Smurfs village中的 ADD THREE LOGS这个任务怎么通过啊?iphone里 Smurfs village中的 ADD THREE LOGS这个任务怎么通过啊,Let's put down some smurfy logs for the Smurfs to sit on .我买了6个长条的木椅,也不见任务 smurfs village中的smurfberry怎样获得急急 Smurfs' Village 怎么开下面的土地~ smurfs village有多少个版本? smurfs' village 里面的 add three logs to the village smurfs village怎么得到木材阿把花钱买的木头放在砍木材的房子旁边也没有用阿.怎么能才完成这个任务呢.? Smurfs’ Village 任务grow some artichokes for some lost deer while they find their way home? 是什么意思? 我已经种了满了artichokes啊. 蓝精灵村庄 Smurfs' Village为什么不能挖金子 Alright,let's put down some smurfy logs for the Smurfs to sit on.Add three logs to sit on.Add three logs to the village.请问这个任务怎么完成? iphone里 Smurfs village中的GROW CROPS任务Grow and harvest a crop of tomatoes so Handy can make a special oil for his equipment 为什么我种了 收获了 但是还是没完成呢? the smurfs 中的任务 grow some brussels sprouts 是什麼东西?是smurfs' village 的游戏我在种植的植物和花里都找不到这个东西 字典里翻译出来是球芽甘蓝 是想问怎么种?应该在哪里找到这个东西 smurfs village里21级Grow 20 boxes of flowers该怎么办? smurfs' village :smurf to the island ,怎么tap the ship啊,不知道去哪里找船 蓝精灵村庄 Smurfs village,新小岛问题,已经发送过船出去3小时了,还是没解决!