利比亚 英语作文

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利比亚 英语作文
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利比亚 英语作文
利比亚 英语作文

利比亚 英语作文
Since the Europe and America to Libya since the implementation of air strikes,many journalists have proposed a similar problem:our ultimate objectives for what is?Stop Libyan leader jose mourinho to civilians,amare theqaddafi violence?The Libya split into the west and the rebels control qaddafi eastern control?Or are immediately comprehensive end for more than 40 years of rule theqaddafi?However,in western intervention on Libya,there is another important problem didn't answer,but the answer to this question may help explain the first question,and that is:by who will be responsible for?
Pentagon officials at a regular news conference repeatedly said the United States was not responsible for this action.NATO there in the internal differences.The Arab league in agreed to action after they opted for several hours,take lead responsibility shall not decree.
The formation of this mess there seems to be two main reasons.First,in attacks on Libya,major western powers is for a different purpose,that means in different ways of performing different tasks.
Although U.S.officials stressed that the United States is not actively or directly seek ousted,however,qaddafi,as the New York times recently published news analysis said,it seems it was America's main goal.Obama has himself has stated Libya tyrant must step down.Given Mr Qaddafi still want to loose nuclear materials by control problem in the United States and his blackmail in 2009 will do so.While Obama personally committed to preventing the spread of nuclear weapons,he'd likely tend to forcibly removed Mr Qaddafi.However,as the diplomatic policies "period,the josh LuoJin dry U says,Obama is ultimately be internal White House support military intervention of the liberals,they think should persuade opportunity" readjust the United States in the Middle East diplomacy,make its pay more attention to democracy and human rights." Obama in Cairo speech in 2009 it promised by the government in Egypt,later give demonstrators key riots support in the form of cash to a half,while the other half now criterion with cruise missiles form to cash.
French active participation in a certain extent because of French eager to atone for the SINS committed Arab region.French President nicolas sarkozy to Tunisia dictator Ben ali support is firm,long-term and consistent,until the latter are public demonstrations have overthrown.Now,Mr Sarkozy is trying to remind people of the 18th and 19th century French when French revolutionary idea promoted the spread of freedom and democracy.
Italy is to Libya's worry much more urgent.As from Libya,Tunisia and Egypt recent European countries,Italian consumes Libya 32% oil production,and north Africa and other European countries are most of the trade via Italy.The Middle East unrest serious interference to oil trade and maritime trade activities.No Libya to intervene with Italy are perhaps the most economic benefit of Italian hope Mr Qaddafi,recover quickly defeat rebels oil production.So in early negotiations around intervention Libya,Italian willing to dragging its heels.However,if the war is inevitable,it was the most part to end the war with the interests of Italy.
In huai leadership by over the war,Libya for the current confusion caused by the second reason might be,no western powers hope in a troublesome and intricate Muslim countries lead a third world war.Everybody just want to play auxiliary function,nobody want to head,this leads to foreign intervention decapitated.Obama in Cairo speech criticized the war in Iraq,the United States will seek to promote commitment Arab countries,this makes democracy in an awkward position America wants both to overthrow,qaddafi,but not willing to publish leadership necessary to overthrow Mr Qaddafi military action.Sarkozy hope French in Libya lead role,but also worried that once intervention dragged on,France might again deemed colonial countries.Italy also have the same concerns.
Western countries has been reluctant to leadership intervention,the chief reason that maybe,leadership intervention means that the war against Mr Qaddafi leadership.But to win the war,we must let Libya people lead.Without outside interference,a mass base and is in the local native of revolution can be successful.If by outside leadership,revolution becomes a regime change,the kind of thing that the U.S.has tried a few times,from 1953 to Iranian coup cia planning the invasion of Iraq in 2003 are so,usually got are catastrophic consequences.So in Libya western powers hope to overthrow Mr Qaddafi's rebels plays in a supporting role,not leadership role.However,the rebels' leadership fragmented,in a particular mess.Western troops are currently not know what aspects with Libya rebels coordination,even know,such authorities will ever command got the allied air force and navy at present is still unknown
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