
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 01:32:42
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1.I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨,我跟朱丽亚说了几句话.
2.He always worked into night those days.那些日子他总是工作到深夜.
3.I was very tired last night.我昨晚很疲劳.
4.He was busy yesterday.他昨天很忙
5.You were absent from school two days ago.你两天前没来学校.
6.He was not busy yesterday.他昨天不忙.
7.He played tennis last week.上星期他们打过网球.
8.We did not have a good time yesterday.我们昨天没有玩好
9.He didn’t have classes this morning.他今天上午没上课
10.You didn’t do your best to do it.你没尽自已最大努力去做这件事
11.She often came to help us in those days.这些天她经常来帮我们 
12.He didn't go to school yesterday.他昨天没去学校
13.She won the competition last night.她昨晚赢得了比赛
14I missed the bus this morning.我早上错过了班车
15.I didn't know you were so busy.我不知道你刚才很忙
16..When I was young ,I liked playing football,我小的时候西环踢足球
17.He was late for school yesterday.他昨天迟到了
18.What did you do last Friday?你上个星期五干嘛了
19.When did you go to bed last night?你昨晚什么时候睡的
20.How did you go there?你怎么去那儿
21.Did you go to school last Sunday?上个星期天你去学校了么
22.She got lost just now.(她刚才迷路了)
23.He bought a pen.他买了一支笔
24.Who taught you ,when you were young?当你小的时候是谁教你的
25.How many books did you buy?你买了多少本书
26.How much did you cost?你花了多少钱
27.He was in Beijing last year.他去年在北京
28.Did you call me just now 刚才你叫我了么
29.He told me just now.他刚才告诉我了
30.He did not find me yesterday.他昨天没找到我

左毅要十个过去式的句子带翻译的 When was he born? 他是什么时候之前它是像一朵花吗? Yes, it was./ No, it wasn