为什么填in other words,不填after all,what·s more more or lesslike some of my classmates,i cannot live up to my teacher`sexpectations,_____,i let them down

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 19:22:15
为什么填in other words,不填after all,what·s more more or lesslike some of my classmates,i cannot live up to my teacher`sexpectations,_____,i let them down
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为什么填in other words,不填after all,what·s more more or lesslike some of my classmates,i cannot live up to my teacher`sexpectations,_____,i let them down
为什么填in other words,不填after all,what·s more more or less
like some of my classmates,i cannot live up to my teacher`sexpectations,_____,i let them down

为什么填in other words,不填after all,what·s more more or lesslike some of my classmates,i cannot live up to my teacher`sexpectations,_____,i let them down
i cannot live up to my teachers' expectations 我辜负了老师 们的期望
i let them down 我让他们失望了
after all 毕竟··· in other words 换句话说·
因此就是 我辜负了老师们的期望,换句话说,我让他们失望了
选after all 意思不合适
【俊狼猎英】 欢迎追问

i have never opposed the project ,____i have always supported it___为什么填on the countrary不填in other words. in other words 是什么, 为什么填in other words,不填after all,what·s more more or lesslike some of my classmates,i cannot live up to my teacher`sexpectations,_____,i let them down sue works faster than( ) girls in the office.为什么填the other 不填 any in the other words 与 in other words 区别 In other words翻译一下 In other words I love He always helps other people _____.为什么填in his life而不填in his lives? other countries may have other words for numbersnumbers前为什么用for不用in,to,with Elephants,tihers and many ( ) animals were living in the think forest.为什么填other ..而不填 the other ,another .another不是修饰两者以上的吗? in other ways in other words 分别是什么意思 in other words的英文释义 he is __china daily,in other words,he works__china daily.为什么分别是on;for? 请问in other words和in the other words 有什么区别? In other words , please be true , In other words, I love you , 是什么意思?谢谢 her words were falling on deaf ears 为什么这里填deaf 而不填deafened He —— (成功)in doing the scientific experiment the other day我不知道为什么要填succeeded不知道为什么要加ed 定语从句 关于AS与WHICHThe British are not familiar with difficult cultures and other ways of doing things,____is often the cases in other countries.括号里填as,为什么呢?为什么又不可以填which呢?