一道关于must的英语选择题—Must I get there at 6 a.m?.—No,you_______.A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.don't have to我知道用must提问否定回答是'No,you needn't.'可是这里没有啊!难道选D?求高手指点!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:54:08
一道关于must的英语选择题—Must I get there at 6 a.m?.—No,you_______.A.can't       B.shouldn't      C.mustn't          D.don't have to我知道用must提问否定回答是'No,you needn't.'可是这里没有啊!难道选D?求高手指点!
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一道关于must的英语选择题—Must I get there at 6 a.m?.—No,you_______.A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.don't have to我知道用must提问否定回答是'No,you needn't.'可是这里没有啊!难道选D?求高手指点!
—Must I get there at 6 a.m?.—No,you_______.
A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.don't have to
我知道用must提问否定回答是'No,you needn't.'可是这里没有啊!难道选D?求高手指点!

一道关于must的英语选择题—Must I get there at 6 a.m?.—No,you_______.A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.don't have to我知道用must提问否定回答是'No,you needn't.'可是这里没有啊!难道选D?求高手指点!
选D,Must提问,回答用是'No,you needn't获don't have to

嗯,是的,选D,don't have to和needn't意思一样,都是“不必做什么”

一道关于must的英语选择题—Must I get there at 6 a.m?.—No,you_______.A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.don't have to我知道用must提问否定回答是'No,you needn't.'可是这里没有啊!难道选D?求高手指点! 关于英语的一道语法选择题,The king commanded that enough money ______ to fund the project.A).be collected B).must be collected C) is collected D)can be collected为什么?为什么不选B? 〓英语〓一道关于复合句的选择题〓小诺求助〓We must improve the farming method _______ we may get high yields.A.in order toB.in order thatC.sinceD.as 请给一些关于have to和must的选择题五题就够了,让我选择用have to还是must 关于一道英语选择题 The restaurant( ) be very good .It's always full of people every day.A.might B.need C.must 答案选的是C,为什么不能选A?顺便讲一下may、might、must、probably、possible的用法 19,一道英语选择题的诱惑We must have an engineer ______ the workers build the house.A.to seeB.seeC.seeingD.seen 英语:must must 关于数字表达的一道英语选择题Many .trees must be planted every year.A.thousands ofB.million of C.hundred of D.hundreds 选哪个?为什么?请顺便说一下这些表达注意的地方,相关语法知识,中文意思 关于英语感叹句的一道题.___fun it must be to travel around the earth in Shenzhou VI!A.What a B.Ehat C.How a D.How 英语 一道关于状语从句的题What man must fear when_________in space is radiation from the sun.A.travel B.traveled C.that D.traveling 英语选择题一道,送分的she must have forgotten about the class,_____?A.can't B.mustn't C.didn't she D.doesn't shehave forgotten 是现在完成时啊 与情态动词有关的一道英语选择题,--Who is the girl standing over there --Well,if you ____know ,her name is Mabel .A.may B.can C.must D.shall 一道英语选择题 23/35John has done so much work, he ____ rather tired.A. may have feltB. may be feelingC. must have feltD.must be feeling请解释一下~谢谢大家! 问一道英语选择题,如下:When will you go to Japan? I____wait until this term ____. A.mustn't,is over B.mustn't,overs C.must,is over D.must,overs答案是C,选D为什么不对? 英语一道选择题 Excuse me.May I sit here? Yes,you ( )英语一道选择题 Excuse me.May I sit here? Yes,you ( ) if you like. A.must B.will C.might D.could 求详细解释. 一道英语单选 _____he have been chosen as captain of the football team?Yes,he_____.A.Can;must have B.Must;must have C.Can;must D.Must;must 关于等比数列的一道选择题