start和 beginning有什么区别?We've got a few minutes before the start of the movie

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 20:37:13
start和 beginning有什么区别?We've got a few minutes before the start of the movie
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start和 beginning有什么区别?We've got a few minutes before the start of the movie
start和 beginning有什么区别?
We've got a few minutes before the start of the movie

start和 beginning有什么区别?We've got a few minutes before the start of the movie
start 一般用于比较短的事情,例:start of a movie.beginning 给长久的事情,例:beginning of a career.

When did you start / begin learning (或to learn) English? 你什么时候开始学英语的?


When did you start / begin learning (或to learn) English? 你什么时候开始学英语的?
If Mary doesn't come soon, let's start / begin without her. 要是玛丽一会儿不来,咱们就开始,不等她了。
His illness started / began with a slight cough. 他的病是从轻微的咳嗽开始的。
① start和begin本身用于进行时态时。如:
He is just starting / beginning to write the letter. 他刚刚开始写那封信。
② 当物作主语时。如:
The leaves start/ begin to come out when spring comes. 春天到来时,树叶开始长了出来。
③ start和begin后跟understand, realize, know等与想法、感情有关的静态动词时。如:
I slowly started / began to understand how she felt. 我慢慢地开始明白她有什么感觉。
He started / began to realize that how important it was to learn English well. 他开始意识到学好英语有多重要。
1) start=set up, build or found, 可用来表示企业、机构、设施的"创建、创办、开办"。如:
The company was started by the two brothers. 这家公司由兄弟俩创办的。
These doctors are going to start a private hospital. 这些医生打算开办一所私立医院。
We're considering starting a club for the old. 我们正在考虑创办一家老年人俱乐部。
The hospital was started / opened in 2002 by a rich man. 那家医院是一个有钱人于2002 年开办的。
The musician started / opened a special school for the distabled children. 那音乐家为残疾儿童建了一所特殊学校。

