Men are career-centered and women marriage-centered?Are you for it or against it?State your reasons.THX

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:58:08
Men are career-centered and women marriage-centered?Are you for it or against it?State your reasons.THX
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Men are career-centered and women marriage-centered?Are you for it or against it?State your reasons.THX
Men are career-centered and women marriage-centered?
Are you for it or against it?State your reasons.

Men are career-centered and women marriage-centered?Are you for it or against it?State your reasons.THX
Sorry to say i'm against this opinion.
In the old times most of men might be career-focused and most women were marriage-centered due to male chauvinism in feudal societies.
But after the liberation of China and as the development of the whole society and the merging of Chinese culture with other foreign countries' culture,everthing's being changing,including cultural values.
More and more men spare time doing housework at home from work and more and more women make all their efforts concentrating on job things in order to have better career development.
Believe you've heard of "House husband",a new created word corresponding to "House wife which is one typical example of more comprehensive cultral values and more balanced relationship between men and women nowadays,and diversity of people's characteristics.
This is a good atmosphere and sure will be helpful for the whole society's improvement