翻译句子,请问如何分析后半句的句子结构.请教: Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, that is to say, of accommodating a consierable proportion of its population

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 06:02:54
翻译句子,请问如何分析后半句的句子结构.请教: Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, that is to say, of accommodating a consierable proportion of its population
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翻译句子,请问如何分析后半句的句子结构.请教: Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, that is to say, of accommodating a consierable proportion of its population
请教: Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, that is to say, of accommodating a consierable proportion of its population in high blocks of flats. 后半句该如何翻译,句子结构如何分析.

翻译句子,请问如何分析后半句的句子结构.请教: Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, that is to say, of accommodating a consierable proportion of its population
Britain (almost more than any other country in the world) (1)must seriously face the problem 【of building upwards】(2),that is to say,【of accommodating a consierable proportion of its population in high blocks of flats.】(3)
Britain must face the problem.
首先,that is to say,换句话说,也就是说,所以后面的of accommodating应该是和前面的of building是平行结构,即,说这个问题其实是 problem of accommodating a consierable proportion of its population in high blocks of flats.
而结构(3)中accommodate作为“为XX提供住处”来讲的时候,是一个及物动词,后面接的宾语是 (a considerable proportion of its population) 相当大一部分的人口,然后,in high block of flats 是一个接宾结构作为对此的说明.
根据这个解释,来推敲building upward的意思,首先很显然build作为不及物动词,作“建造”就可以了.upward,向上,这里是一种形象的表述,就是说,现在普遍房屋低矮,所以要盖高楼大厦.
【block of flats】
flat 在美国韦氏字典里的解释为:(chiefly British) an apartment on one floor 某一层楼的一个房间(公寓).
block作“建筑物”的意思,a block of flats 一幢公寓楼.
【almost more than any other country in the world】
比较级来表达一种“最”意思的结构.修饰的是副词seriously,而这个副词修饰的可不是problem 因为副词是修饰动词的,它是修饰face的,这里不是说问题很严重,而是说英国的“面对问题”的态度“必须”要认真,严肃对待.

blocks of flats 公寓

主语为Britain, 谓语动词为face ,面对、对待 , 宾语为the problem, 其中,两个of 引导的介词短语为problem的定语,意为什么样的问题。如the problem of raising children, 抚养孩子的问题。

首先,第二行中的consierable应该是considerable,才讲得通。句子的主干结构是:Britain must face the problem。两个of 结构都是修饰problem,语法上称为属格用法。句子意思是:世界上所有的国家中,最需要严肃地考虑修高楼问题的是英国。也就是说,英国需要考虑让其相当一大部分的人口住进高楼里去。...


首先,第二行中的consierable应该是considerable,才讲得通。句子的主干结构是:Britain must face the problem。两个of 结构都是修饰problem,语法上称为属格用法。句子意思是:世界上所有的国家中,最需要严肃地考虑修高楼问题的是英国。也就是说,英国需要考虑让其相当一大部分的人口住进高楼里去。
