he can trick daisy.同意句

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he can trick daisy.同意句
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he can trick daisy.同意句
he can trick daisy.同意句

he can trick daisy.同意句
trick v.欺骗
= cheat = deceive = play a trick on
He can cheat daisy.
He can deceive daisy.
He can play a trick on daisy.

he can trick daisy.同意句 I could trick Daisy at last,(改写同意句) I ( ) ( ) ( )trick Daisy at last 组句:cute,can,a,trick,he,do. You can't trick If he don't give them a treat,they can play a trick改错 介词选择He can play trick _______bricksA in B with C on “He can do a cute trick.有谁知道“He can do a cute trick.过路的大哥大姐帮帮忙吧!废话不要说啊!注:是整个句子的意思! Daisy is young.She can't drive.(保持原句意思不变) Daisy is ( ) ( ) ( ) to drive. 英语翻译He sees the trick,figures out a way of doing it-or else gets Professor Soandso's assistant drunk and learns the secret.Note:上文中的”trick”在这里解释为”魔术”. 同义句.1.I stayed up very late last night.I _____ _____ _____ bed until very late last night.2.They contain electricity.They _________ electricity _________.3.Benny was not able to trick Daisy at last.Benny _____ _____ a trick to Daisy at last.4.E 同义句.1.I stayed up very late last night.I _____ _____ _____ bed until very late last night.2.They contain electricity.They _________ electricity _________.3.Benny was not able to trick Daisy at last.Benny _____ _____ a trick to Daisy at last.4.E 翻译句子“Is he a trick or treat?” 提示:trick or treat的意思是“不给糖就捣乱” Who can help me?1.His favourite festival is____.He likes to play a game called“trick or treat”.2.翻译句子:如果他们不招待我们,我们就捉弄他们._____they_____give us a _____,we'll_____. trick or trick Daisy是什么意思? daisy是什么意思 DAISY怎么样 among all kinds of flowers,daisy can be the______common one.(many)