请问是用should 还是must?he left at six o'clock,so he _____ be here by six thirty at the latest.答案给的是should 我也知道是用它,但不能用must原因怎么说才好呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 22:17:06
请问是用should 还是must?he left at six o'clock,so he _____ be here by six thirty at the latest.答案给的是should 我也知道是用它,但不能用must原因怎么说才好呢?
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请问是用should 还是must?he left at six o'clock,so he _____ be here by six thirty at the latest.答案给的是should 我也知道是用它,但不能用must原因怎么说才好呢?
请问是用should 还是must?
he left at six o'clock,so he _____ be here by six thirty at the latest.答案给的是should 我也知道是用它,但不能用must原因怎么说才好呢?

请问是用should 还是must?he left at six o'clock,so he _____ be here by six thirty at the latest.答案给的是should 我也知道是用它,但不能用must原因怎么说才好呢?
must是非常有把握,非常肯定,在现在的条件下一定 会发生的;




因为left at six o'clock不是be here at six thirty的充分条件,存在一定可能性和不确定性,所以要用should,而不能用must

must 表猜测吧。

should 应该
must 肯定,一定[表示绝对有把握的推测]
而原句表达的意思不是十分肯定,这从“by six thirty at the latest(最迟到6:30)”可看出。

如果用must的话可以理解为‘一定‘或者‘肯定’,只是没那么好,没有说绝对 不可以。看语境的皆,题目本来就没什么意义,出得不好。出题人想让你知道should是应该,如无意外的意思。而must是肯定的意思。但是事实上在不同的情况下,must当然是完全的啦。...


如果用must的话可以理解为‘一定‘或者‘肯定’,只是没那么好,没有说绝对 不可以。看语境的皆,题目本来就没什么意义,出得不好。出题人想让你知道should是应该,如无意外的意思。而must是肯定的意思。但是事实上在不同的情况下,must当然是完全的啦。



must 一定

请问是用should 还是must?he left at six o'clock,so he _____ be here by six thirty at the latest.答案给的是should 我也知道是用它,但不能用must原因怎么说才好呢? 是must 还是should?-Where is jake,please?-He ___ be in the library.A、must B、can C、should D、need Where is he?He must还是must be on that island.选择题,是选 must 还是 must be.谢谢帮忙! He must go to the bank and (get) some money get是因must要用原形还是因he用三单呢 He must have been away 哪个是情态动词 是must还是have同上 --- Peter here yet?--- Not yet,but he _____ be here soon,he is always on time.选项有;A.would B.could C.should D.must 是选C还是D? He must go填反义疑问句,是写mustn't he 还是does not he 你必须知道是:you should be know 还是 you must be konw?rt must的否定回答是need 还是用must ( )from his accent,he must be America.请问括号里应填Judged还是Judging 是must to do还是must doing 还是must do? 英语问题---英语知识运用3131.---Is John coming by bus ---He should ,but he ____not.He likes driving his car.A.must B.can C.need D.may 正确答案是D,我选的是C,请问为什么D正确,C不正确, he must have stad up last night,_____ 是hasn't he还是didin't he?能说明原因吗? He must have been sent to the hospital 改反意疑问句是didn't he 还是 wasn't he Do you think he should...否定形式是什么?think用在陈述句中应否定前移,那么用在疑问句中Do you think he should...的否定形式是Don't you think he should...还是Do you think he should not... statements telling sb.what he or she should or must do用i开头的单词解释 must should 的区别must should 之间有什么区别.不过我想要的答案是这样的,可能你们还没弄明白,must should这两个词谁是主动、谁是被动,在句子中怎么用。呵呵, --Is Tom here yet?--Not yet,but he ____be here soon.He usually is on time.A.would B.could C.should D.must为什么答案是C