
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 00:38:16
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The vocabulary is the most basic language unit,which is always present in a certain context,leaving a certain context,the word loses its vitality.American linguist Firth stressed:"language only in the context in which makes sense,it can not be divorced from the social environment in which to exist." Expressions depend on the context and affected by,and only in the context of explore the meaning of a word in order to achieve accurate and thorough.Language and language environment are inextricably linked,"People use the language of communication can not be separated from the context,as people can not breath without air".This article will elaborate the basic concepts of the context,meaning,combined with specific examples of some of the articles,Context and Word Meaning of the old analysis of the relationship as well as the context of the impact on the meaning and decisive role by analyzing examples come to the relationship,and finally to out their own conclusions.
摘 要:本文依据词汇教学语境化原理和3C模式,结合教学案例介绍如何在词汇教学过程中逐步创设语境让学生感知、理解和运用所学词汇,从而帮助学生自然地习得所学语言.
关键词:词汇教学 语境设计 呈现词义 检查理解 巩固运用

Vocabulary is the most basic unit of language, it always exists in a certain context, leaving a certain context, lexical lose vitality. American linguist, said: "only in the context of the language se...


Vocabulary is the most basic unit of language, it always exists in a certain context, leaving a certain context, lexical lose vitality. American linguist, said: "only in the context of the language sense, it does not exist from the social environment." Vocabulary depends on context and its influence, and only in context to explore meaning can achieve accurate and thorough. Language and language use environment is inseparable, "people use language communication depends on context, like people breathing air is to man". This paper will respectively in this paper, the basic concepts of context and meaning, combined with the example of some articles, analyses the relation between the context and meaning, and the effect of context on the meaning and the decisive role, through the example analysis of the relationship, and finally their own conclusions.


Vocabulary is the most basic unit of a language, it always exists in a certain context, to leave a certain context, vocabulary lost vitality. American linguist Fuss stressed: "language only in the con...


Vocabulary is the most basic unit of a language, it always exists in a certain context, to leave a certain context, vocabulary lost vitality. American linguist Fuss stressed: "language only in the context of meaningful, it can not be separated from the social environment and the existence of." Vocabulary is dependent on context and its influence, only in order to achieve the accuracy of word meaning in context, thorough. Language use and the environment are inextricably linked, "people use language is inseparable from the context, as the breath of people cannot live without air". This paper expounds respectively the basic concept, the meaning of the context, with specific examples in some articles, relationship analysis of context and meaning, and the influence of context on the meaning and decisive role, through the analysis of example that the corresponding relation, the final conclusions are given.


英语翻译词汇是最基本的语言单位,它总是存在于一定的语境,离开了一定的语境,词汇就失去了生命力.美国语言学家弗斯强调:“语言只有在所处的语境中才有意义,它不能脱离所处的社会环 C语言程序中语句是它的基本构成单位吗?为什么? 构成建筑最基本的单位是? 人生存的最基本物质是什么 英语翻译不同文化的碰撞必然会对语言产生影响,包括语音、语义、语法、词汇等各个方面.但词汇作为语言中最敏感的部分,它所受到的影响是最大的.佛教文化对中国文化的冲击是最大的,因 语言是一个国家最基本的文化载体吗 Photoshop图像最基本的组成单位是哪个? ——是生物最基本的生物单位 生物体最基本的结构和功能单位是 英语翻译外来词是一种语言的词汇传入到另一种不同语言环境下形成的词汇,且被另一种语言接受并使用的词汇.它也可以被称为借词.总言之,抽象外来词指的是语言使用者适应从源语到他们的 细胞是生物最基本的结构单位,功能单位,生物的哪些生命活动都离不开它 A呼吸,消化 B生长发育 C遗传繁殖 生物体最基本的特征是?蛋白质的基本组成单位? 所有物质的最基本物质是一样的吗?像计算机语言最基本语言是机器语言 最基本的长度单位换算 什么是生物最基本的构造单位 最基本的国际制单位有哪些? #英语四六级#词汇是最基本的,但是除了单词外,其他最应该注意哪方面呢? 英语翻译相互渗透就会在语言最敏感、最活跃的因素—词汇上反映出来,这就是语言中的外来词现象.翻译成俄语