hillary speech 所有演讲搞?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:33:00
hillary speech 所有演讲搞?
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hillary speech 所有演讲搞?
hillary speech 所有演讲搞?

hillary speech 所有演讲搞?
February 2008
2/20 Remarks at Hunter College
2/19 Hillary's Remarks at the Solutions for America Event in Youngstown, Ohio
2/16 Wisconsin Founders Day Gala Remarks
2/9 Hillary Clinton's Remarks at the Virginia Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
2/5 Hillary's Remarks on Super Tuesday
January 2008
1/31 FAITH: Hillary's Remarks at Baptist Convention
1/28 Hillary Speaks Before the State of the Union
1/24 ECONOMY: Solutions for the American Economy
1/14 Remarks at SEIU 32BJ Event Honoring the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
1/11 ECONOMY: Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's Economic Stimulus Plan
1/8 Remarks following the New Hampshire primary
1/4 Remarks at the New Hampshire Democratic Party 100 Club Dinner
1/3 Hillary Rodham Clinton's Caucus Night Remarks
December 2007
12/17 The Hillary I Know Event
12/16 Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton Every County Counts Kickoff
12/5 ECONOMIC POLICY: Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton Remarks on Wall Street on Housing Crisis
November 2007
11/29 HEALTH CARE: Global Summit on AIDS and the Church
11/24 HEALTH CARE: Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton Autism Event with Sally Pederson
11/19 ECONOMY: Policy Address on America's Economic Challenges
11/13 NATIVE AMERICANS: Remarks to National Congress of American Indians Annual Convention
11/10 IOWA: Remarks at the Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
11/5 ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE: Comprehensive Strategy to Address the Climate and Energy Challenge
11/2 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES: Remarks at the Granite State Independent Living Forum
11/1 YOUTH: Remarks on Student Activism at Wellesley College
October 2007
10/24 WOMEN'S RIGHTS: Mary Louise Smith Lecture at the Catt Center for Women and Politics
10/16 AGENDA FOR WORKING FAMILIES: Helping Parents Balance Work & Family
10/11 EDUCATION: Speech on College Affordability
10/9 RETIREMENT SECURITY: A 401(k) Plan For All Americans
10/8 REBUILDING THE MIDDLE CLASS: Hillary Clinton's Economic Blueprint for the 21st Century
10/4 SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY AND INNOVATION: Remarks at the Carnegie Institution for Science
September 2007
9/17 HEALTH CARE: Remarks on American Health Choices Plan
9/15 VISION: Remarks to the NAACP
August 2007
8/23 HEALTH CARE QUALITY: Speech at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
8/20 VETERANS AND MILITARY FAMILIES: Speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars
8/15 HEALTH CARE: Long-Term Care Insurance
8/8 REBUILDING AMERICA: Improving Our Infrastructure
8/7 MIDDLE CLASS SQUEEZE: Speech on Housing and the Mortgage Crisis
July 2007
7/27 YOUTH OPPORTUNITY: Remarks to the Urban League
7/24 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT: Speech on the Green Building Fund
7/10 IRAQ: Speech at the Temple for the Performing Arts in Des Moines
June 2007
6/27 NATIONAL SECURITY: Center for a New American Security
May 2007
5/31 ECONOMY: Hillary Clinton Speech and Q&A on Innovation
5/29 ECONOMIC POLICY: Modern Progressive Vision: Shared Prosperity
5/24 HEALTH CARE: Hillary Remarks on Reducing the Cost of Health Care
5/21 PARENTS AND CHILDREN: Expanding Pre-K
5/19 KATRINA: Speech at Dillard University
April 2007
4/13 GOVERNMENT REFORM: Remarks on Government Reform
March 2007
3/15 MIDDLE CLASS SQUEEZE: Speech on Subprime Lending
3/14 LABOR: International Association of Fire Fighters Bipartisan 2008 Presidential Forum
3/4 CIVIL RIGHTS: On the 42nd Anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma
February 2007
2/14 IRAN: No Military Action On Iran Without Congressional Authority
2/7 IRAQ: Senate Floor Speech on the War
We must continue to be a nation that strives always to give each of our children a better future. A nation of optimists who believe our best days are yet to come; a nation of idealists holding fast to our deepest values that we are all created equal., that we all deserve to fulfill our God given potential, that we are destined to progress together.
It’s the idea inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty in this great city that has overlooked our harbor through wars and depression, and the dark days of September eleventh. The words we all know that give voice to America embrace, give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masters yearning to breathe free. A constant reminder that here in America, we face our challenges, and we embrace all of our people.
So today we say with one voice, give us the child who wants to learn, give us the people in need of work, give us the veterans who need our care. We say, give us this economy to rebuild and this war to end, give us this nation to heal, this world to lead, this moment to seize. I know we’re ready! Thank you all and God bless you.




