Auto-cleaning enamel

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:43:05
Auto-cleaning enamel
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Auto-cleaning enamel
Auto-cleaning enamel

Auto-cleaning enamel

If the old furniture that you are going to paint has drawers, doors, or any other easily removable pieces, carefully take them out first. Remove any hardware on the furniture too, and set it aside. Th...


If the old furniture that you are going to paint has drawers, doors, or any other easily removable pieces, carefully take them out first. Remove any hardware on the furniture too, and set it aside. Then, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using the wood stripper on your old furniture. Basically, you pour it on the wood, then you use a paint brush to evenly spread it around. Make sure you get the stripper in any cracks, crevices, and fancy wood work the furniture may have. After you have covered the wood, let it sit undisturbed. After the time is up, use a plastic spatula - a metal one can harm the wood - and scrape off the loosened paint. You can use steel wool to remove the paint from fancy wood work, et cetera. Place the loosened paint into an old paint bucket as you scrape it off. You might have to reapply the liquid wood stripper, depending on how many coats of paint there are to remove. Finally, wipe any residue off with a clean, soft rag moistened with mineral spirits.
