翻译:undergo a cooling off period of seven days

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:05:09
翻译:undergo a cooling off period of seven days
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翻译:undergo a cooling off period of seven days
翻译:undergo a cooling off period of seven days

翻译:undergo a cooling off period of seven days


翻译:undergo a cooling off period of seven days cooling cooling 翻译Accelerated Cooling Process Control Detailed Description Can you tell me what are the best ways _______ the water quickly.A.to cool B.cool C.cooling选什么?并且翻译。 传真机上出现wait for a while cooling ventilator cooling什么意思Modification of a resistor什么意思 英语翻译上面输不完,看下面这句话:Paint properties shall not undergo a reaction to any material in direct contact to the paint application and vice versa (i.e.Decals)谁能帮我翻译下啊.. 请教几道英文改错题!1)Under the management,the business undergo a complete reorganization.答案说undergo用错了,请指教! 英语翻译The bacteris undergo a complex differentiation process that culminates in the formation of endospores. cooling-degree cooling是什么意思 Cooling min cooling prices 懂汽车英语的高人们帮帮忙帮忙翻译下面的句子1 the purpose of the cooling system is to keep the engine at its most efficient operating temperature at all speeds under all driving conditions.the pressured cooling system of a water-pu 翻译:在土木工程中 “the use of vegetation and water for shading and cooling” 如何翻译 undergo surgery是什么意思 帮忙翻译一道物理题.急.What should be the spring constant of a spring designed to bring a 1220 kg car to rest from a speed of 90 km h-1 so the occupants undergo a maximum deceleration of 4.4g?用Google之类自动翻译的不用来了.谢谢