有关非谓语的几个问题,being exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.和 exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers和 broken awat form her b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:02:10
有关非谓语的几个问题,being exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.和 exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers和 broken awat form her b
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有关非谓语的几个问题,being exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.和 exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers和 broken awat form her b
being exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.
和 exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.
having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers
和 broken awat form her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers,
上面的句子有什么区别,什么时候要用being ,什么时候不用,什么时候要用having,什么时候不用 要详细一点.

有关非谓语的几个问题,being exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.和 exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers和 broken awat form her b
a.“being exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.” 这个句子没有主语.应该为:Being exposed to the air will make wounds heal more quickly.Being exposed to the air 是非谓语动词Ving形式,作句子的主语;will make 是动词谓语的一般将来时,wounds 是宾语,heal 则是省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,more quickly 当然就是副词比较级,全句直译为:暴露在空气中将使得伤口愈合得更快.
b."exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly." 同样是没有主语,但没法像第一个句子改了,因为exposed 是非谓语动词Ved,表被动,无法作句子主语.
什么时候要用being ,什么时候不用?
a."having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers"
b."broken away form her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers,"
这两个句子都有问题,she has become an excellent teacher 才对,她怎么会成为复述的teachers呢?楼主请细心一点.
这个单复数的问题改正后,a 是对的,b错误.
"Having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teacher" 中she has become an excellent teacher 已经主谓宾齐全,是句子主干,Having broken away from her bad habits 是非谓语动词作状语,但既然句子主句的主语是she,那么she 应该是打破坏习惯这个动作的发出者,应该是主动的,因此Having broken away from her bad habits 表主动,正确,而broken away form her bad habits 表被动,不能作she的逻辑主语,故错误.

首先你得先考虑什么时候用ed,什么时候用ing。在第一个句子中,air后面的逗号应该去掉,那么being exposed to the air在句中做主语,而ed形式的不能做主语。在第二个句子中,要找到break away from的逻辑主语,也就是说是谁发出这个动作,就是后面句子中的she,she和break away from之间是主动关系,就必须用ing 形式,在这里又要强调已经发生了,所以...


首先你得先考虑什么时候用ed,什么时候用ing。在第一个句子中,air后面的逗号应该去掉,那么being exposed to the air在句中做主语,而ed形式的不能做主语。在第二个句子中,要找到break away from的逻辑主语,也就是说是谁发出这个动作,就是后面句子中的she,she和break away from之间是主动关系,就必须用ing 形式,在这里又要强调已经发生了,所以要用having done的形式


a. “being exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.” 这个句子没有主语。应该为:Being exposed to the air will make wounds heal more quic...


a. “being exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.” 这个句子没有主语。应该为:Being exposed to the air will make wounds heal more quickly. Being exposed to the air 是非谓语动词Ving形式,作句子的主语;will make 是动词谓语的一般将来时,wounds 是宾语, heal 则是省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,more quickly 当然就是副词比较级,全句直译为:暴露在空气中将使得伤口愈合得更快。
b. "exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly." 同样是没有主语,但没法像第一个句子改了,因为exposed 是非谓语动词Ved,表被动,无法作句子主语。
什么时候要用being ,什么时候不用?
a. "having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers"
b. "broken away form her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers,"
这两个句子都有问题,she has become an excellent teacher 才对,她怎么会成为复述的teachers呢?楼主请细心一点。
这个单复数的问题改正后, a 是对的,b错误。
"Having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teacher" 中she has become an excellent teacher 已经主谓宾齐全,是句子主干,Having broken away from her bad habits 是非谓语动词作状语,但既然句子主句的主语是she,那么she 应该是打破坏习惯这个动作的发出者,应该是主动的,因此Having broken away from her bad habits 表主动,正确,而broken away form her bad habits 表被动,不能作she的逻辑主语,故错误。


有关非谓语的一个问题在做非谓语的时候,being done和 done有什么区别,和主语不是都构成被动关系吗, 有关非谓语的几个问题,being exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.和 exposed to the air,will make wounds heal more quickly.having broken away from her bad habits,she has become an excellent teachers和 broken awat form her b 请问 being 是be 的非谓语动词形式吗 高中英语语法非谓语动词being done和done以及having being done的区别 关于英语非谓语的问题These books must be returned to the library after being read谓语动词是return,非谓语动词应该是发生在return之前,为什么是being read 而不是having being read. 有关英语非谓语动词的几个问题1.非谓语动词有没有人称,数的变化?2.the+分词 表一类人,这个分词的原型不是动词吗,动词怎么用来指人呢?3.分词不做宾语 I have finished 这个finished在句子中 做什 非谓语的用法 非谓语的题 非谓语的用法 英语,用being done的非谓语造句___,____.这种格式.非谓语动词表被动,be就省了吧? 请教一道有关非谓语的题目____,she tured round and found her teacher standing behind her.横线上填的是Being surprised还是Surprised?为什 一个有关非谓语动词的题1.( ) the earth to be flat,many people feared thar Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth.A Having believed B believing C Believed D Being believed请逐项分析下 非谓语中done和being done有什么区别? 谓语和非谓语的区别. 谓语与非谓语的区别 非谓语动词doing,being done,done的区别特别是现在分词的被动结构和过去分词的区别 英语非谓语动词单项选择,英语非谓语动词选择题:Mary is not afraid of .选项:A.laughing B.laughed at C.being laughted D.being laughted atD选项中的at什么时候用没什么时候不用的问题, 有关非谓语动词There ____no classes yesterday ,we paid a visit to the great wall.为什么是填being而不是were?请讲得清晰明了~