怀孕的英文单词查到 3个 fetation , pregnancy , conception 高分求解这三个单词的区别 ! fetation 这个词英文词典上没有查到,为什么英文词典上没有,回答的好,再加100分,最好能加个例句说明!再加100分!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:37:12
怀孕的英文单词查到 3个 fetation , pregnancy , conception 高分求解这三个单词的区别 ! fetation 这个词英文词典上没有查到,为什么英文词典上没有,回答的好,再加100分,最好能加个例句说明!再加100分!
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怀孕的英文单词查到 3个 fetation , pregnancy , conception 高分求解这三个单词的区别 ! fetation 这个词英文词典上没有查到,为什么英文词典上没有,回答的好,再加100分,最好能加个例句说明!再加100分!
怀孕的英文单词查到 3个 fetation , pregnancy , conception 高分求解这三个单词的区别 ! fetation 这个词英文词典上没有查到,为什么英文词典上没有,回答的好,再加100分,最好能加个例句说明!再加100分!

怀孕的英文单词查到 3个 fetation , pregnancy , conception 高分求解这三个单词的区别 ! fetation 这个词英文词典上没有查到,为什么英文词典上没有,回答的好,再加100分,最好能加个例句说明!再加100分!
or foetation
1) the state of pregnancy
2) the process of development of a fetus
or chiefly Brit foe·ta·tion fē-ˈtā-shən n :the formation of a fetus :PREGNANCY
[U,C] (plural pregnancies) the state of being pregnant:Many women experience sickness during pregnancy.◆ a pregnancy test ◆ unplanned / unwanted pregnancies ◆ the increase in teenage pregnancies
n,pl -cies
1) the state or condition of being pregnant
2) the period from conception to childbirth
/ kənˈsepʃn; kənˋsɛpʃən/ n
[U,C] conceiving (conceive 1) or being conceived 怀孕; 受孕:the moment of conception 受孕的一刻 * an unplanned conception 计划外怀孕.
(a) [U] thinking of (an idea or a plan) (主意或计划的)构思,构想,设想:The plan,brilliant in its conception,failed because of inadequate preparation.那计划的构想倒是十分宏伟,但终因准备不足而告吹.(b) [C] (of sb/sth/that...) idea,plan or intention 主意; 计划; 意图:The new play is a brilliant conception.这出新剧真了不起.* I have no conception of (ie do not know) what you mean.我完全不懂你的意思.
[U] the process of forming an idea or a plan:The plan was brilliant in its conception but failed because of lack of money.
[C,U] (of sth)
(that ...) an understanding or a belief of what sth is or what sth should be:Marx's conception of social justice ◆ He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed.
[U,C] the process of an egg being FERTILIZED inside a woman's body so that she becomes pregnant:the moment of conception ◆ A child is born about 40 weeks after conception takes place.
1) something conceived; notion,idea,design,or plan
2) the description under which someone considers something
her conception of freedom is wrong
3) the fertilization of an ovum by a sperm in the Fallopian tube followed by implantation in the womb
4) origin or beginning
from its conception the plan was a failure
5) the act or power of forming notions; invention

例如:She got pregnant and was turned out of the house by her parents.
她怀孕了, 父母把她赶出了家门.
How long has she been pregnant? 她怀孕多久了?
She was ...


例如:She got pregnant and was turned out of the house by her parents.
她怀孕了, 父母把她赶出了家门.
How long has she been pregnant? 她怀孕多久了?
She was told she couldn't conceive(get pregnant). 她得知自己不能怀孕.
The child was conceived on the night of their wedding. 那孩子是在他们新婚之夜怀上的.
还有一种俚语说法,是比较有趣的:have a bun in the oven 身怀六甲(烤箱里有个面包)


之所以你在词典上没查到 fetation( 或英式拼法foetation) 是因为这个词除了在医学检验报告上作为学术专业用词外,日常生活中在英语国家没人使用。这个词的意思,正如一楼帮你在英文词典中找出来的定义:
1) the state of pregnancy 怀孕的“状态”(或妊娠期)
2) the process of development of a fetus 胎...


之所以你在词典上没查到 fetation( 或英式拼法foetation) 是因为这个词除了在医学检验报告上作为学术专业用词外,日常生活中在英语国家没人使用。这个词的意思,正如一楼帮你在英文词典中找出来的定义:
1) the state of pregnancy 怀孕的“状态”(或妊娠期)
2) the process of development of a fetus 胎儿发育的过程
相对而言, fetus (胎儿)和 fetal (和胎儿有关的、胎儿的)这两个拥有相同词根的单词,是很广泛被老百姓应用的。
Conception 是用于指卵子受精的意思。自然,从受精的那一刻起,妇女就正式被认定为“怀孕”,只不过一般都是在事实发生后一段时间由妇产科医生和当事人共同推算出来的。因此,这个词在日常生活中也不被当作 “怀孕”使用。
Pregnant (形容词)和 Pregnancy (名词)是这三个词中唯一具有代表性,会在日常生活中提到“怀孕”时惯常所用的单词。


or foetation
(1) the state of pregnancy
(2) the process of development of a fetus


or foetation
(1) the state of pregnancy
(2) the process of development of a fetus
or chiefly Brit foe·ta·tion fē-ˈtā-shən n : the formation of a fetus : PREGNANCY
[U, C] (plural pregnancies) the state of being pregnant: Many women experience sickness during pregnancy. ◆ a pregnancy test ◆ unplanned / unwanted pregnancies ◆ the increase in teenage pregnancies
n, pl -cies
(1) the state or condition of being pregnant
(2) the period from conception to childbirth
/ kənˈsepʃn; kənˋsɛpʃən/ n
[U, C] conceiving (conceive 1) or being conceived 怀孕; 受孕: the moment of conception 受孕的一刻 * an unplanned conception 计划外怀孕.
(a) [U] thinking of (an idea or a plan) (主意或计划的)构思, 构想, 设想: The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of inadequate preparation. 那计划的构想倒是十分宏伟, 但终因准备不足而告吹. (b) [C] ~ (of sb/sth/that...) idea, plan or intention 主意; 计划; 意图: The new play is a brilliant conception. 这出新剧真了不起. * I have no conception of (ie do not know) what you mean. 我完全不懂你的意思.
[U] the process of forming an idea or a plan: The plan was brilliant in its conception but failed because of lack of money.
[C, U] ~ (of sth)
~ (that ...) an understanding or a belief of what sth is or what sth should be: Marx's conception of social justice ◆ He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed.
[U, C] the process of an egg being FERTILIZED inside a woman's body so that she becomes pregnant: the moment of conception ◆ A child is born about 40 weeks after conception takes place.
(1) something conceived; notion, idea, design, or plan
(2) the description under which someone considers something
her conception of freedom is wrong
(3) the fertilization of an ovum by a sperm in the Fallopian tube followed by implantation in the womb
(4) origin or beginning
from its conception the plan was a failure
(5) the act or power of forming notions; invention



这是 解剖学 n. 妊娠;胚胎发育


fetation 指怀孕时的胚胎发育,所以它时fetus胚胎的延伸,估计很少用,反正我见到过但没自己用过
pregnancy通常指怀孕的状态,而不指怀孕的一瞬间 比如 My pregnancy lasted for ten months.
conception指怀孕的一瞬间 比如My conception happened on July 16.