he sit__the chair.A.on B.inhe sit __the back.A.in B.on C.atI remember that we met each other __ last year.A.sometime B.some times

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 22:42:18
he sit__the chair.A.on B.inhe sit __the back.A.in B.on C.atI remember that we met each other __ last year.A.sometime B.some times
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he sit__the chair.A.on B.inhe sit __the back.A.in B.on C.atI remember that we met each other __ last year.A.sometime B.some times
he sit__the chair.
A.on B.in
he sit __the back.
A.in B.on C.at
I remember that we met each other __ last year.
A.sometime B.some times

he sit__the chair.A.on B.inhe sit __the back.A.in B.on C.atI remember that we met each other __ last year.A.sometime B.some times
he sit__the chair.
he sit __the back.
I remember that we met each other __ last year.

he sits on the chair.他坐在那张椅子(上).
he sits at the back.他坐(在)后面.
I remember that we met each other some times last year.我记得去年我们见过几次面.

C.at.抽象的表示“坐在后面”用at. 如果说在某样物体的背部,则用on the back of...
A.sometime表示“某个时间”,some和time一定要连起来写,且不能加S; 而sometimes表示“有时”;而some times则是“几次,几回”的意思。弄清楚它们的意思,就不难选出正确的答案了。...


C.at.抽象的表示“坐在后面”用at. 如果说在某样物体的背部,则用on the back of...
A.sometime表示“某个时间”,some和time一定要连起来写,且不能加S; 而sometimes表示“有时”;而some times则是“几次,几回”的意思。弄清楚它们的意思,就不难选出正确的答案了。


He sit in the chair.
He sit at the back. 坐在后面。
sit on 有特定含义.
I remember that we met each other sometime last year. 去年某时见过面.
sometimes表示有时,用于一般现在时; times有表示次数的意思,但几次是用several times.