英语翻译our land is so big and beautiful that it takes many trips to see it all 这个句子 我不太明白 that it 这里的it 我不太相信他指代 前面的 OUR LAND 有点像 指时间的 IT

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:55:29
英语翻译our land is so big and beautiful that it takes many trips to see it all 这个句子 我不太明白 that it 这里的it 我不太相信他指代 前面的 OUR LAND 有点像 指时间的 IT
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英语翻译our land is so big and beautiful that it takes many trips to see it all 这个句子 我不太明白 that it 这里的it 我不太相信他指代 前面的 OUR LAND 有点像 指时间的 IT
our land is so big and beautiful that it takes many trips to see it all 这个句子 我不太明白 that it 这里的it 我不太相信他指代 前面的 OUR LAND 有点像 指时间的 IT

英语翻译our land is so big and beautiful that it takes many trips to see it all 这个句子 我不太明白 that it 这里的it 我不太相信他指代 前面的 OUR LAND 有点像 指时间的 IT
it takes.to do .还是一个句式,表示要花.才可以做.
比如it takes me 10 minutes to get home我要花十分钟到家.
这个意思是的我们国土太大太漂亮了,以至于要旅游很多次才可以看全(由于翻译需要,所以稍稍改变了一下翻译的方法,take many trips表示需要很多旅行.)

so .. that...

这里有个词组so...that 如此...以致
it takes many trips to see it all 这是一个从句用来修饰our land

it takes many trips 这里的是指时间,
see it all 这里指our land

it 形式主语,指时间

so..that...: 如此……以致于……
你说的it是代指后面的"to see it all"

so that如此 以至于
it takes many trips中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式to see it all

it 应该是代词指our land

it 指代our land ,是it……so……的句型。

it 此处指代 to see it all

英语翻译our land is so big and beautiful that it takes many trips to see it all 这个句子 我不太明白 that it 这里的it 我不太相信他指代 前面的 OUR LAND 有点像 指时间的 IT The total water area is about three times_____the land area.选择()?A.so large for B.of large of 英语翻译That old building is our library.划线部分our librarThe garden looks so beautiful,划线部分 so beautiful, 英语翻译There are so many of these paths and so many metal particles that it is impossible to land a flying saucer without its being smashed by one 兰亭 THE LAND IS SO RICH IN BEAUTY怎么样 英语翻译1、----she said at the meeting is worth our attenttion 2、It all depend on ----they will do their best 3、the question is --- to land on the grassland A.if it is safe B.if is it safe C.whether is it saft D.whether it is safe 4、there 英语翻译So refined is our facial acuity that we can recognize a person after 40 years. 英语翻译,Our contract is getting near its term,so we need not terminate it. 英语翻译原句 A:Where will he land?B:trick is not to 来自1985 《走出非洲》 Their school is getting more and more beautiful.A.So ours is B.So our is C.So is ours D.So is our精确讲解,精辟分析!Thanks! 倒装句:Our country is becoming richer and stronger.______________A.So it is B.so is it C.It is so为什么选A? 单项选择The earth is our house.We must _____ the land,air and water clean.A .change B.let C.stay D.keep The giraffe is the tallest modern land animal英语翻译 英语翻译-All this is so time-consuming.So why do we keep watching?-Perhaps it's because TV shows like these___ our lives or lives that we want to lead.A mirror B mirroring C mirrored D to mirror 英语翻译why,this is nothing but common vegetable soup!—— ,madam,it is our soup of the day.A,let me see B,so it is,C,don't mention it D,neither do i 英语翻译Internet let our life so... 英语翻译___little water is not enough for___many peopleA.Such,so B.So,so C.Such,such D.So,such Switzerland is the land of watches so it is i_____to be on time there.