英语归纳 little quantityquantity little few number ``````的用法.即 后面跟可数名词 或 不可数.谓语用 单数 或 复数.(后面有的忘记了,希望能多帮我补充点)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 02:36:24
英语归纳 little quantityquantity little few number ``````的用法.即 后面跟可数名词 或 不可数.谓语用 单数 或 复数.(后面有的忘记了,希望能多帮我补充点)
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英语归纳 little quantityquantity little few number ``````的用法.即 后面跟可数名词 或 不可数.谓语用 单数 或 复数.(后面有的忘记了,希望能多帮我补充点)
英语归纳 little quantity
quantity little few number ``````
的用法.即 后面跟可数名词 或 不可数.谓语用 单数 或 复数.

英语归纳 little quantityquantity little few number ``````的用法.即 后面跟可数名词 或 不可数.谓语用 单数 或 复数.(后面有的忘记了,希望能多帮我补充点)
quantity: n. 量,数量,大量
quantities of无论修饰可数还是不可数名词、谓语动词都用复数.
Quantities of food (nuts) were on the table. 桌子上有许多食品(坚果).
a quantity of+可数名词复数、谓语动词用复数;+不可数名词、谓语动词用单数.即修饰可数或不可数名词均可,作主语时采取就近一致的原则,其谓语动词通常与短语中of后面的名词的数保持一致.
1. It was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and quality.
2. A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.
3. Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.
4. What quantity (ie How many) do you require?
5. The factory turns out a large quantity of paper products.
6. This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity.
7. The new sales director is still a bit of an unknown quantity.
1.few和a few的用法比较
few和a few在句中都可作主语、宾语和定语,用作句子主语时,接复数动词.作定语时,只修饰复数可数名词.few和a few的意思不同.few是“很少”,表示“几乎没有”,带有否定意义;afew是“少数几个”,表示虽少但有一些,带有肯定意义.如:

A few of them know English.他们当中有几个懂英语.(a few在句中作主语,谓语动词用复数形式know)

Few f them know English.他们当中几乎没有人懂英语.(few在句中作主语,注意和上句表达的意思不同)

I met a few of my friends there.我在那儿遇见了我的几个朋友.(a few在句中作宾语)

He has a few friends besides you.除了你以外,他还有几个朋友.(a few在句中作定语)

He has few friends except you.除了你以外,他没有几个朋友.(few在句中作定语)
2.not a few=quite a few
not a few和quite a few都是“许多”的意思.
一、 用作形容词(adj.)时
A. 意为“小的”,表示说话人的一种情感.如:
What a nice little room! 多么漂亮的小房间呀!
B. 指人,“年幼的、小的”.如:
Look at the little boy! 看这个小男孩!
C. 指“……少的,不多的”(表示否定的含义). 如:
He knows little English. 我几乎不懂英语.
二、 用作副词(adv.)时翻译成“少许、一点、很少”. 如:
① I see Meimei very little nowadays. 我最近很难看见梅梅.
② Sorry! I can‘t answer your questions. I know little about the story. 对不起,我不能回答你的问题.我对这个故事所知甚少.
三、 作名词(n.)时表示“少许、少量”.如:
① Every little helps. 任何小东西都有好处.
② Please give me a little. 请给我一点.
① a little 一点、一些(后面常接不可数名词).如:
There is a little orange juice in the bottle. 在瓶子里面有一些桔子汁.
② not a little(=very) 非常、很.如:
She is not a little hungry. 她很饿.
③ little by little 逐渐地.如:
We will get to know the girl little by little. 我们会逐渐地了解这个女孩的.
一、“the number+复数名词”,这时number作“数量”、“数目”
1. the number of turns 匝数,圈数
2. the number of revolutions 轮数
3. The number of students in our university is great. 我校学生数量大.
二、“a number of+复数名词”作“若干……”或“许多……”
1. a number of books 若干书,许多书
2. A number of students have done these experiments. 不少学生已做了这些实验.
三、当“a(或the)number of”后的名词单数时,则number作号码解.有时可用缩写词No(或复数形式Nos)表示之:(联系第248页七)
1. a number of engine 发动机号码
2. the number of a house 房子号码
至于房子号码45号,可写为house number 45或house No. 45.
四、“a+great(large)number of +复数名词”作“大量……”、“许多……”
1. a great number of machines 大量机器
2. a large number of spare parts 许多备件
1. a telephone number 电话号码
2. an atomic number 原子序数
3. Arabic numbers 阿拉伯数目
4. Avogadro’s number 阿伏加德常数
六、“number of+复数名词”,前面没有the或什么定语,作“许多”
numbers of people 许多人
七、“the numbers of…”或numbers前面有某些词作定语时,则作“序数”、“号码”
1. the numbers of machine parts 机器零件号码
2. equipment numbers 机号(复数)
3. reflected numbers “反射”码(复数)
4. Nos.(numbers缩写)1 to 10 序号1到10
1. Let’s number the instruments from 1 to 10. 让我们给这些仪器编上1到10的号码.
2. The machines numbered 20 in all. 这些机器共20台.
3. They were ten in number (=in all). 他们总共十人.
4. He is not good at numbers. 他不擅长算术.
5. The sands of the seashore are beyond number. 海滨的沙子多得不可数.