
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 01:35:19
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高级技工短缺 传统薪酬制度 宽带薪酬

The article analyses the prevalent shortage of highly skilled workers and explains the issue by the angle of view on payment systems.it is the defect of payment system that be one of reason for payment systems.thus the author introduces the concept of broadband payment system.the author points out that it is extremely urgent to reform the payment systems through contrast with merits and demerits of traditional and broadband payment systems.Only by the braodband payment system can we effectively resolve the shortage of highly skilled workers.at last,the author makes the specification for the concepts of broadband payment system and indicates the roles of governments and enterprises in the payment system reforms.
Keywords:shortage of highly skilled workers,traditional payment systems,broadband payment system.

In recent years the senior technician widespread shortages are analyzed from the perspective of salary system, the problem of interpretation. Think of the existing shortage of skilled senior one reaso...


In recent years the senior technician widespread shortages are analyzed from the perspective of salary system, the problem of interpretation. Think of the existing shortage of skilled senior one reason is the salary system. This concept is introduced, through the broadband pay salary and compensation of traditional comparative advantages and disadvantages of broadband that salary system reform is imminent, and can effectively solve the broadband salary of senior skilled worker shortages. Finally the concept of broadband salary detailed instructions, and points out that the government and enterprises in the reform of the roles.
Senior skilled worker shortages(高级技工短缺)Traditional salary system(传统薪酬制度)Broadband salary(宽带薪酬 )


In recent years widespread shortage of senior technicians were analyzed from the perspective of pay system explained the problem. That currently exists for the shortage of senior skilled workers compe...


In recent years widespread shortage of senior technicians were analyzed from the perspective of pay system explained the problem. That currently exists for the shortage of senior skilled workers compensation system is one of the defects. Thus the introduction of the concept of the broadband pay, by comparison with the broadband pay traditional compensation the advantages and disadvantages that urgent reform of pay systems, broadband pay system to effectively solve the problem of shortage of senior technicians. Finally, the concept of the broadband pay a detailed explanation, and pointed out that the reform the government and enterprises should play the role.


After analyzing the general phonomenon of lacking senior skilled workers that happens in recent years ,we perspective the problem from the traditional pay syestem aspect.As a result ,the cons of previ...


After analyzing the general phonomenon of lacking senior skilled workers that happens in recent years ,we perspective the problem from the traditional pay syestem aspect.As a result ,the cons of previous pay system is one reson that makes the problem.so we need to have a new pay system that is called 'Broad Brand Salary' to solution.we must change the old pay system quickly by comparing their pros and cons between the traditinal pay system and broad brand salary syestem. The broad brand salary system can have a great solution to the lack of senior skilled workers. Finally,we detail the new pay system that called 'broad brand salary',also poit out the govement and the rules of the companies should be significant roles in changing the old pay system to a new pay system ---broad brand salary syestem.


英语翻译摘要:对近年来普遍存在的高级技工短缺现象进行了分析,从薪酬制度视角解释了该问题.认为当前存在的高级技工短缺的原因之一就是薪酬制度的缺陷.由此引入了宽带薪酬的概念,该 英语翻译摘要对近年来普遍存在的高级技工短缺现象进行了分析,从薪酬制度视角解释了该问题.认为当前存在的高级技工短缺的原因之一就是薪酬制度的缺陷.由此引入了宽带薪酬的概念,通过 英语翻译通过对近年来普遍存在的高级技工短缺现象进行了研究分析,深刻剖析了导致高级技工短缺的原因,从薪酬制度视角解释了该问题,指出当前存在的高级技工短缺的原因之一就是薪酬制 英语翻译《网络环境下的不正当竞争问题及其法律对策研究》摘要:不正当竞争在社会经济的各个领域普遍存在,特别是近年来随着网络信息技术的迅猛发展,不正当竞争行为有了更加广阔的 英语翻译摘要媒介的发展与人类社会的演变紧密地交织在一起.媒介作为信息传递、交流的工具和手段,对现代社会的各个方面都有着极其深刻的影响.近年来,“网络红人”作为一种普遍而特殊 英语翻译摘要:在21世纪,应用物流管理提高企业的竞争力已被国际普遍重视.但我国引入物流管理这一概念的时间比较短,与国外企业相比,国内零售企业对其应用比较有限,并且存在诸多方面的 英语翻译摘要:贿赂犯罪作为职务犯罪中的重要“组成部分”之一,是世界各国普遍存在的犯罪现象,严重的侵蚀国家的健康肌体,世界各国也都对受贿罪制定了各种处罚规定.而贿赂犯罪在我国 英语翻译中文摘要 :我国中小企业却普遍存在生存能力弱、竞争力不强的状况,主要问题是企业内部管理出现问题,特别是不重视发挥财务管理的重要作用.因为财务管理是企业管理的核心,对 英语翻译【摘要】近年来,新闻媒体对于食品安全问题的报道层出不穷,在媒介的引导下,老百姓对食品问题产生空前的关注,在某些方面,媒体也展现了舆论监督的影响力.正因为媒体的关注、曝 英语翻译摘要:近年来,我国的城市化发展迅速,城市建设也突飞猛进,人们生活水平也不断提高,带动了人们的居住区建设的实质性完善,对住宅区的景观环境规划要求也越来越高,人们 英语翻译求以下摘要的英文,拜托各路神仙了~近年来,随着中国改革开放进程的不断加深,中小企业作为新兴的经济力量,开始对我国国民经济发挥重要作用,成为国民经济的支柱之一.而与此同时 英语翻译以下是摘要近年来,随着生活水平的提高,人们更加追求饮食的营养、健康.而食品添加剂在我国还是新兴行业,众多消费者对食品添加剂的基本常识不太了解,自然会产生一些疑惑,甚至 英语翻译摘要:近年来,随着中国对美国贸易顺差的不断扩大,特别是中国加入WTO后中美贸易顺差更加严峻,使得中美贸易平衡问题凸显,成为世人关注的焦点.本文在简述了中美贸易现状的前提 英语翻译超声法合成尼泊金乙酯实验研究(重庆三峡学院 化环系 化学工程与工艺(精细)专业2009级,重庆 万州 404000)【摘要】 本文对近年来尼泊金酯的合成方法进行了评述,主要研究了在 英语翻译摘要:便利店营销模式在我国有巨大的发展空间,但是近年来便利店的连续亏损凸显出其在我国发展中存在的很多问题.本文详细解析了便利店的在我国的发展现状,找出便利店连续亏 英语翻译摘要错误记忆是人类的记忆中存在着的较为普遍的扭曲现象,当人们回忆出的事件与真实情况完全不同,或者人们回忆出从未发生过的事件,就产生了错误记忆.以往的错误记忆研究都是 英语翻译这是我论文的摘要,那位朋友帮忙翻译下,急用,电视节目娱乐化在今天已经是一个普遍存在的现象.从满布屏幕的娱乐节目到青春偶像剧的盛行不衰,在电视娱乐节目遍地开花的同时,我 英语翻译1“兼业农户的转化与农地流转市场的发展”翻译成英文.2“摘要:兼业化经营是世界各国存在的普遍现象.从微观上看,兼业化经营是农户的理性选择;从宏观上看,兼业化经营不利于