求英文的,塔利班和美国关系的历史渊源,要史实和适当适量的评论,写论文用 一定要英文,..

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 09:26:22
求英文的,塔利班和美国关系的历史渊源,要史实和适当适量的评论,写论文用 一定要英文,..
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求英文的,塔利班和美国关系的历史渊源,要史实和适当适量的评论,写论文用 一定要英文,..
求英文的,塔利班和美国关系的历史渊源,要史实和适当适量的评论,写论文用 一定要英文,..

求英文的,塔利班和美国关系的历史渊源,要史实和适当适量的评论,写论文用 一定要英文,..
Foreign powers,including the United States,briefly supported the Taliban,hoping it would restore order in the war-ravaged country.For example,it made no comment when the Taliban captured Herat in 1995,and expelled thousands of girls from schools.These hopes faded as the Taliban began killing unarmed civilians,targeting ethnic groups (primarily Hazaras),and restricting the rights of women.In late 1997,American Secretary of State Madeleine Albright began to distance the U.S.from the Taliban.The next year,the American-based oil company Unocal withdrew from negotiations on pipeline construction from Central Asia.
One day before the capture of Mazar,bin Laden affiliates bombed two U.S.embassies in Africa,killing 224 and wounding 4,500,mostly Africans.The U.S.responded by launching cruise missiles on suspected terrorist camps in Afghanistan,killing over 20 though failing to kill bin Laden or even many Al-Qaeda.Mullah Omar condemned the missile attack and American President Bill Clinton.Saudi Arabia expelled the Taliban envoy in protest over the refusal to turn over bin Laden,and after Mullah Omar allegedly insulted the Saudi royal family.[180] In mid-October the U.N.Security Council voted unanimously to ban commercial aircraft flights to and from Afghanistan,and freeze its bank accounts worldwide.
Adjusting its counterinsurgency strategy,in October 2009,the U.S announced plans to pay Taliban fighters to switch sides
On November 26,2009,in an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour,President Hamid Karzai said there is an "urgent need" for negotiations with the Taliban,and made it clear that the Obama administration had opposed such talks.There was no formal American response
In early December 2009,the Taliban offered to give the U.S."legal guarantees" that they would not allow Afghanistan to be used for attacks on other countries.There was no formal American response.
On December 6,U.S officials indicated that they have not ruled out talks with the Taliban Several days later it was reported that Gates saw potential for reconciliation with the Taliban,but not with Al-Qaeda.Furthermore,he said that reconciliation would politically end the insurgency and the war.But he said reconciliation must be on the Afghan government's terms,and that the Taliban must be subject to the sovereignty of the government.
In 2010,General McChrystal said his troop surge could lead to a negotiated peace with the Taliban.
Allegations of connection to CIA There have been many claims that the CIA directly supported the Taliban or Al-Qaeda.In the early 1980s,the CIA and the ISI (Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency) provided arms and money,and the ISI helped gather radical Muslims from around the world to fight against the Soviet invaders.Osama Bin Laden was one of the key players in organizing training camps for the foreign Muslim volunteers."By 1987,65,000 tons of U.S.-made weapons and ammunition a year were entering the war."

求英文的,塔利班和美国关系的历史渊源,要史实和适当适量的评论,写论文用 一定要英文,.. 关于美国梦的历史渊源?(最好是英文的) 急求关于基地组织和塔利班组织的英文介绍篇幅不用过长 塔利班以前 是 与美国合作的呀?塔利班好还是坏呀? 浙江的别名和历史渊源 中国和利比亚的历史渊源 求大年初一吃团圆饭的历史渊源 谁知道以色列和中国的历史渊源阿? 英国为什么要分成四部分啊?是联邦制么?如果是,和美国的联邦制有什么不同?这种政体有什么特点和历史渊源么? 唐人街的历史渊源 台独的历史渊源 2001年9月11日,美国遭受了一系列恐怖袭击。“9.11”事件与当时阿富汗塔利班政权庇护下的本.拉登有关。此后,美国派兵打击阿富汗塔利班政权。有些观察家认为,打击阿富汗塔利班政权是 萨达姆和塔利班什么关系?百度百科说2000年左右,塔利班掌控这阿富汗百分之九十的国土,但同一时期是萨达姆执政,那么塔利班是和萨达姆对抗的吗?还是合作?控制百分之九十的国土为什么还不 中国和美国的关系一定会非常好.翻译成英文 德国人谨慎、法国人浪漫和英国人绅士的历史渊源是什么? 塔利班和基地组织有什么关系说明他们各自的性质及活动目的,活动范围,活动形式,联系及区别等等 古印度文化的一些历史渊源 高要市 肇庆市请问哪位知道,高要市和肇庆市的历史渊源啊?要具体一些的,就是在历史不同时期两者关系的脉络(隶属、分工、功能关系)