
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:10:21
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Physical geography: The area is 30,500 square kilometers, is locatednortheast Europe, east borders on with Germany, north and Dutchneighbor, south and French border, west near North Sea. The coastlineis long 66. 5 kilometers. The national area 2/3 for the knoll andsmoothly lowly, the most low spot slightly is lower than the sealevel.
The Belgian prince Luo river is bright and bridal Claire 库姆斯accepts people's newly married congratulation in the Brussels cityhall balcony.
Northeast part the entire boundary divides into a coastal Buddha兰德 roentgen plain, middle the knoll, southeast area the Ardenplateau three parts. Peak elevation 694 meters. The main rivers have马斯 the river and Ess test the river. Is the oceanity temperatezone foliage forest climate.
Population: 1035. 60,000 (in 2003), lecture not pulls the awn languagenot to pull the awn big area 599. 60,000, speaks French the tileprosperous big area 336. 80,000 (including speaks German approximately7. 10,000), use not method two languages Brussels capital big areas99. 20,000. The official language and not pulls the awn language forFrench. 80 % inhabitants believe in Catholicism.
Capital: Brussels (Bruxelles), has population 99. 20,000 (in 2003).Some "the European capital" the name, is the European Union, the NorthAtlantic Treaty Organization and so on many internationalorganization's headquarters locus, has the multitudinous internationalconference to convene every year in this, and some more than 200international administrative center and surpasses 1,000 officialassociations to be equipped with the office in this.
Museum, building and scenic spot
The big square profit displays in its construction style andthe municipal government building. The people also can observe andacclaim the color to be fine. In here, unfortunately is damaged since70's cities, the people on give some special houses directly retospread the bright color immediately. The tone and the mortar which insome paper newspapers and in some past schematic diagrams foundations,the Mongolian 特尔 people rehad found before once uses. Each cityall has its tone. Time is in vogue which in 18 century's ends Franceannexation principle, quite how many cities all are compelled buildingunder to brush white and except the massive Baroque style decoration,otherwise has 反共 and the principle suspicion?
沙勒 Luo Wa
Is American and clown's excellent mix, it has many beautifulbuildings actually to let things take their natural course thedecency, the worn-out construction let the people forget in the pastbeauty. Simultaneously concurrently has the construction art to bebrand-new and to decline America, regarding this the black villagepeople have not certainly given the value which should have. You onlycan own discover ( or becomes these houses master... ... Also may dobusiness). This also is the black village person warm hospitable oneway.
Charlie two th squares /Place Charles II
Was located the city this square to retain the initial pattern,and has made the outward appearance again according to the originaldesign. This is the star shape military construction vestige. Theinitial layout stems from to Spanish time Engineer Wan Aisi andGermany lets the cloth court attendant depend on the hand. ( latteris Belgium military engineer, not only uses in 沙勒 the Luo tilethis kind of pattern, but also uses in Awes Tang Deou Germany thatGermany and Ke Si). After that, Wu Bangye has used on the law.
The municipal government, Charlie two th squares this was the 30'smasterpieces, the above fell thick black dust. The municipalgovernment building is a trapezoid, noble is elegant, 精雕细琢.The host construction surface shape was abstract, congealed themassive work. Relatively says, 沙勒 Luo Wa is a young city, hasexperienced by no means the bell tower time. Therefore wise architectSi grips you, increased a bell tower, the off-centering, thus remainshas the leeway, advocates the construction outward appearance to besymmetrical.
You certainly can linger to construction in. The bas-relief style isconsistent. Only if this beautiful construction is destroyed,otherwise it later definitely will have the value. Now each kind ofturret, the parking lot, the commercial decorated corridor aresubstituting for its position.
Public museum and grand play hall for city hotel appurtenance.
Artistic achievement
Pulls the mulberry Pohl bridge and Gong the Stan money Ye'sstatue (face under city south train station), the parapet and thecarving similarly has the attraction.
However 遗憾.的.是, the ancient decoration art illumination deviceis already substituted for.
New artistic achievement
- On city /La ville the haute that Ukraine street (moviepalace) has some extremely interesting construction with the Waterloomain road. In them a part comes under the Vienna new art severalrivers intense influences.
Germany seals the Dan main road, " Gold palace " Is worth assoon as looking. 粗刻 embellishes is having the new artistic fuzzyrecollection the compromise to send the building.
Medicine building (in glory Does obeisance Lu: Si street 40) is oneof that time 沙勒 Luo Wa exquisite constructions. It constructed in1908, at that time Belgium's new artistic activity already went intohiding, therefore the present presents the outward appearance was abetter complex compound: The plant style, the whip shape cast iron,the bas-relief lets the person associate the elder brother especiallyto construct, the pillar, the window and 假对称 front the face.
Raises the advantage store, mountain street 38: The Paul ancient westis exquisite 粗刻, may simultaneously have a look the identical sideother houses.
Paul lets the loose main road intersection in terminus on city thatUkraine street, all may see Paul ancient west and Kerr does obeisanceother 粗刻 work.
拉夫勒 palace, Su Lebai main road 7, to artistic palace two step offar.
The new art synthesized has raised the Cull style and the Viennaseparatists. The appendix and the stockade all are by the BD presentage painter 弗朗斯 tile Si Yudang completes. (撒马 Swiss Si,Brussels's city wall), 拉夫勒 the palace is not architect's work,is person's work which falls deeply in love.
The cloth Mongolia road, Paul, 巴斯特 main road 164 ~ 174, are notfar to the photograph museum, some five bricks room is repaints andhas decorated, they cause the entire street greatly to put thebrilliance. They are not certainly famous. You may to the pedestrianintroduce its lovable place (place stands in another side in order towatches the entire scene and handpainted earthenware picture).
New style under city achievement
The next city is 沙勒 Warro's business district, is locatednearby Wan Aisi fortification (17th century).
沙勒 Warro is the Belgian youngest city. Lu is prosperous, pulls,that Ukraine and Larew Wei Ye certainly is not the historical famouscity. Former is a Austria younger brother Nepal's suburb, it alreadydoes not have the hotel, also does not have the independentadministration. As for latter, after is a city central point which theindustrial revolution produces, has obtained the city status becauseof its population and the scale.
Next city square and big post office /La Place de la ville basse etGrand-Poste,
阿贝尔 a th square, the big post office has at thebeginning of the century the attractive puppet show small theatercharacteristic, the blue white stone alternates with. The inspirationcomes from the elder brother especially with the renaissance style.
Exchange channel and university street /Le Passage de la Bourse et larue du College (19 century's ends)
This is entire city most beautiful group of buildings withouta doubt. On the university street the belt 叶瓣饰, the gear playsthe part of or the French type garret house appears in turn by theenchanting rhythm. But the exchange channel front face is 新古 thecanonical expression, luxurious is grand.
In this group of building, do not have to forget also has the saintpeaceful Tony Austria church, this rectangular cathedral has a likingfor very unwieldy, but 新古 the canonical expression arcade is veryinteresting.
Glass museum /Musee du Verre, German maple tree Dan avenue 10/Boulevard Defontaine, the telephone 0.71/310838 billion, 沙勒 LuoWazeng was the world glass product center, therefore this museum hadthe possibility is most attractive most interesting. Massivedecorations artistic style work, glass steps and ladders, 5000 meltsand... ...
Photographic museum /Musee de la Photographie Paulo The Pass Toursavenue, 11 /Avenue Paul Pastur, equestrian peaceful peak/Mont-sur-Marchienne, telephone 0.71/43581 billion Tuesday ~ Sunday,10 ~ 18 o'clock, Belgium only specially feeds specially thephotographic exhibition the place, invented from the photography tothe newest photographic technology had demonstrated the photographicdevelopment complete history, frequently displayed the preliminaryphotographic attempt, old camera installation. The temporary displayascends in the Brussels newspaper publishes.
Final suggestion
For the modern architecture amateur, in 马西takes you tohave the experimental inhabited area -R3 exportation which makes withthe steel and iron, the household 布林 cloth (behind tomb), by wayof that forest road.
Coal mine museum /Musee de la Mine
In Bishop maple tree Dan castle underground, the castle andseveral old houses (the Mongolian Si road) is worth having a look.
Industry museum (destiny) /Providence
In horse Xi'an bridge (Mongolian Si direction).
Also has the emperor Forces the castle, the burr match, places suchas Hamm and Mongolian shuttle some castles.