英语翻译我看到百度知道里您给的传奇歌词翻译的英文,觉得很好,只是可惜没全部翻译,能不能请您帮个忙,把它翻译全了,歌词 :只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你的容颜 梦想

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:13:01
英语翻译我看到百度知道里您给的传奇歌词翻译的英文,觉得很好,只是可惜没全部翻译,能不能请您帮个忙,把它翻译全了,歌词 :只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你的容颜 梦想
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英语翻译我看到百度知道里您给的传奇歌词翻译的英文,觉得很好,只是可惜没全部翻译,能不能请您帮个忙,把它翻译全了,歌词 :只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你的容颜 梦想
歌词 :只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你的容颜 梦想着偶然能有一天再相见 从此我开始孤单思念 想你时你在天边 想你时你在眼前 想你时你在脑海 想你时你在心田 宁愿相信我们前世有约 今生的爱情故事不会再改变 宁愿用这一生等你发现 我一直在你身边从未走远

英语翻译我看到百度知道里您给的传奇歌词翻译的英文,觉得很好,只是可惜没全部翻译,能不能请您帮个忙,把它翻译全了,歌词 :只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你的容颜 梦想
Only because many in the crowd looked at you
Never failed to forget your face
Dream chance to see each other again one day
From then on I started to miss lonely
Would like you to show the horizon
When you think you are in front of
In mind when you think you
When you think you hearts
We prefer to believe about past lives
Love this life story will not change
Would prefer to wait for you to discover this life
I have been at your side
Never gone
----- Mixed with 2 dozen


Only because many in the crowd looked at you
Never failed to forget your face
Dream chance to see each other again one day
From then on I started to miss lonely
Would like you to show ...


Only because many in the crowd looked at you
Never failed to forget your face
Dream chance to see each other again one day
From then on I started to miss lonely
Would like you to show the horizon
When you think you are in front of
In mind when you think you
When you think you hearts
We prefer to believe about past lives
Love this life story will not change
Would prefer to wait for you to discover this life
I have been at your side
Never gone
----- Mixed with 2 dozen


Just because the crowd looked at you, you can never forget the appearance of dreams can meet again someday by from then on I began when you miss your lonely when you can think in before you in mind wh...


Just because the crowd looked at you, you can never forget the appearance of dreams can meet again someday by from then on I began when you miss your lonely when you can think in before you in mind when you think in your heart that our love story about the past life wouldn't change with the life that you would always beside you, I never go far


英语翻译我看到百度知道里您给的传奇歌词翻译的英文,觉得很好,只是可惜没全部翻译,能不能请您帮个忙,把它翻译全了,歌词 :只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你的容颜 梦想 你好,在百度知道里看到您这里有后宫甄嬛传的全集跟番外.麻烦您能不能给我发一份呢.谢谢了. 明清传奇与唐朝的传奇有什么关系?我知道明清传奇是一种剧曲,而那天看到唐朝的传奇是最早的小说形式. 我在百度知道里经常看到ML这个词, 英语翻译知道的请给我翻一下, The weepies的Antarctica我要这首歌的歌词.知道百度里强人多,希望那个高手给找一下歌词.最好准确点,有英文就够了,有中文翻译当然更好了~ 《传奇》的歌词, 传奇人生的歌词 我在百度知道看到你之前的回复,能否麻烦您也发一份初中英语词汇表给我, The SK spirit is invincible..看到好多人的BLOG里用这句话..想知道这句话里的SK指的是什么?请不要给 我百度知道里的'SK意思...看了还是不明白... 怎样看到我在百度提问里题的问题? 英语翻译在宇多田光的歌词里看到的~ T口T是什么意思我是在动漫里看到的~~~百度不知道~求各位帮我解答一下哈~ 求Patty Smyth唱的Say What You Will的歌词是要原唱的歌词,别在百度音乐里复制粘贴给我, 英语翻译萧煌奇唱的 银角仔那首歌 别给我歌词 希望懂的人能把台语给我翻译成汉语,然后呢告诉我下这首歌的意思 我不知道咋回事听这首歌听着听着都想哭了 英语翻译其实,这是一句英文歌的歌词,只是在看了一部外国电影时感觉这首歌很好听,所以就记下了,在百度上也找不到!知道的人可以给我说下这首歌的名字, 英语翻译在百度百科看到歌词,觉得很乱,麻烦哪位好人帮我顺序翻译一下.要顺序翻译的哦 英语翻译翻了百度找不到歌词的,有谁听得出来呢?把西班牙语和中文歌词都列出来这样我就好唱了.