Dolly the sheep生于哪个国家

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Dolly the sheep生于哪个国家

Dolly the sheep生于哪个国家
Dolly the sheep生于哪个国家

Dolly the sheep生于哪个国家

Dolly the sheep生于哪个国家 The first mammal (clone) from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. Dolly the Sheep成为了一个专有名词吗?为什么加一个the? the successfully cloned sheep dolly confirmed the feasibility of cloned technology为什么不用sucees能用suceesful the black sheep 是哪个意思:幸运儿、败家子、顶梁柱、宠儿 back of the sheep在英文中是指哪个国家? “郡县制”是产生于哪个诸侯国? from the sheep还是from sheep 孟子生于哪个朝代? 多利羊产生于哪个国家? 苏轼出生于哪个朝代 张三丰出生于哪个朝代? 高考题The first textbooks written for teaching English came out in the 16th century .牛津教材the first mammal to be coned was Dolly the sheep.同样是the first,为什么一个用written,一个用to be cloned the first 后面可跟什么做后置定语?有一个语法上说不定式,The first mammal to be cloned successfully fom an adult cell was Dolly the sheep.这是课本上的原句.那为什么不选B呢?The first text books-----for teaching English 1.Ever since Dolly,the sheep ___in 1997,many scientists have been working on cloning a human being.A had cloned B has been cloned Cwould cloned D was cloned2.The theory ___ about in 1514,but the csirntist only published it just defore his death in 15 lamb和sheep哪个小 2个英语上的疑问这句,Dolly's DNA is exactly the same as that of the sheep she was cloned from.里面为啥会要突然出现个of ?去掉of不行么?还有What is ink used for ? It's used for writing in. 为啥句尾要有个in ?麻烦 Mutton is from the sheep.是from the sheep,还是,sheep,还是a sheep?