pls add 2% damage allowance to the order

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:07:35
pls add 2% damage allowance to the order
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pls add 2% damage allowance to the order
pls add 2% damage allowance to the order

pls add 2% damage allowance to the order

pls add 2% damage allowance to the order pls add me pls mov al,0fbh ; al=0fbh add al,07h ; al=02h s:mov al,ds:[si] mov es:[di],al inc si add di,1 loop s这个不是字节传送显示吗,为什么是add di,2 而不是inc di呢 even i pls it is very important to add mre to your contacts 分析下面程序段:MOV AL,200 SAR AL,1 MOV BL,AL MOV CL,2 SAR AL,CL ADD AL,BL 试问程序段执行后(AL=?BL=?我算的是BL=0E4H AL=0DDH,答案正好相反. 写出下面每条指令执行后,ZF.PF.SF.CF.OF等标志位的值sub al,al mov al,10h add al,90h mov al,80h add al,80h mov al,0fch add al,05h mov al,7dh add al,0bh 这句add al,80h 执行后cf等于1,of也等于1,还有这句add al,05h执行后cf等 sub al,al PF标志等于多少,或者mov al,255 add al,1 PF等于多少 add add add. how to write letter in English,pls tell me some details.I will add more score to express my gratitude. 英语翻译1、make do/carrvout a survey of 2、survey the damage caused by the fire 3、add up one’s score4、add to the beauty of the whole school5、on the point of be on the point of 6、there’s no point in doing sth 7、point at the book8 汇编语言加中括号表示什么?例如ADD AL,[SI] MOV[20H],AL还有小括号呢 例如DS=(SI+2) 特征码 add al,[eax] 怎么修改?seg000:000047BF ; 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?seg000:000047BF add [eax],chseg000:000047BF ; 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪 汇编语言标志寄存器问题,数据对应 add al,0Bh 这一行的 不对请指正, mov ax,5634h add al,ah ;ax=?daa ; ax=?