英语翻译Such absurd mock trials and examples where Culla is judged are a mere prelude to the awful denouement that awaits him when he is finally reunited with his son,who is by now in the hands of the evil triune.After narrowly escaping from the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:55:02
英语翻译Such absurd mock trials and examples where Culla is judged are a mere prelude to the awful denouement that awaits him when he is finally reunited with his son,who is by now in the hands of the evil triune.After narrowly escaping from the
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英语翻译Such absurd mock trials and examples where Culla is judged are a mere prelude to the awful denouement that awaits him when he is finally reunited with his son,who is by now in the hands of the evil triune.After narrowly escaping from the
Such absurd mock trials and examples where Culla is judged are a mere prelude to the awful denouement that awaits him when he is finally reunited with his son,who is by now in the hands of the evil triune.After narrowly escaping from the disastrous ferry ride which seems to have claimed the lives of the operator and his fellow passenger,Culla reaches the shore only to find a worse fate awaiting him as he stumbles upon the evil triune.This is the first time that the group has joined the narrative outside of the italicized passages,and it is inevitable that they would meet Culla when they do.Symbolically,the sinister leader of the triune is linked to Culla via their shared philosophy and beliefs in the importance of naming.
The process of naming in McCarthy is always a problematic issue,as is his use and portrayal of maps,another means by which we ground ourselves in the world,a technique which allows us to supposedly recognize the world and our place in it.At their most fundamental level,names give an indication of what something or someone is,who they belong to,and perhaps even where they came from,so it is a highly symbolic moment when,following Rinthy’s request,Culla refuses to name their child because “you don’t name dead things” (OD 31).His failure to name the child confirms his moral shiftlessness and lack of worth,just as the squires and landed gentry have judged him according to his lack of material worth,and Culla’s link to the bearded leader of the triune is clearly established when he says to the mute member of their terrible gang that “I wouldn’t name him because if you cain’t name somethin you cain’t claim it” (OD 177).By not naming his son,and therefore his sin or his guilt,Culla has ensured that the infant will meet its gruesome end at the hands of this satanic trio

英语翻译Such absurd mock trials and examples where Culla is judged are a mere prelude to the awful denouement that awaits him when he is finally reunited with his son,who is by now in the hands of the evil triune.After narrowly escaping from the
Culla被判断的这样荒谬模拟审讯和例子是对等候他的可怕的结局的一个仅仅前奏,当他与他的儿子时最后团聚,现在是在三位一体的罪恶手里. 在狭窄逃脱从似乎夺去了操作员和他的乘客的生命的惨败轮渡乘驾以后, Culla到达岸只发现一种更坏的命运等候他,当他绊倒在三位一体的罪恶. 这第一次是小组加入了用斜体字印刷的段落的叙事外部,并且是不可避免的他们将会见Culla,当他们时. 象征性地,阴险领导三位一体连接到Culla通过他们在命名的重要性的共有的哲学和信仰. 命名的过程在McCarthy总是一个有问题的问题,象地图他的用途和写照,我们研自己在世界上,技术允许我们推测认可世界和我们的它的地方的另一个手段. 在他们的最根本的水平,名字给什么的指示某事或某人是,或许他们属于和,即使在哪里他们来自,因此它是高度符号片刻,当,跟随Rinthy的请求, Culla拒绝说出他们的孩子名字时,因为“您不命名死的事” (OD 31). 他的疏忽说出孩子名字证实他的道德无能和缺乏价值,正大地主和地主阶级根据他的缺乏物质价值判断了他,并且有胡子的领导的Culla的链接三位一体明显地建立,当他对说出名字“我不会他,因为,如果您cain't命名somethin您cain't要求它”他们可怕的帮会时的哑成员说(OD 177). 通过不命名他的儿子、并且他的罪孽或者他的罪状, Culla保证由于这魔鬼三重奏的作用,婴儿将遇见它的可怕末端