语法大师来 that去掉行不行?为什么?The tsunami that leveled Japan's northern coastline on March 11th.中的that去掉行不行?为什么?It's the second quarter in a row the GDP has fallen,meaning Japan is now in a recession.第一小句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 04:55:53
语法大师来 that去掉行不行?为什么?The tsunami that leveled Japan's northern coastline on March 11th.中的that去掉行不行?为什么?It's the second quarter in a row the GDP has fallen,meaning Japan is now in a recession.第一小句
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语法大师来 that去掉行不行?为什么?The tsunami that leveled Japan's northern coastline on March 11th.中的that去掉行不行?为什么?It's the second quarter in a row the GDP has fallen,meaning Japan is now in a recession.第一小句
语法大师来 that去掉行不行?为什么?
The tsunami that leveled Japan's northern coastline on March 11th.中的that去掉行不行?为什么?
It's the second quarter in a row the GDP has fallen,meaning Japan is now in a recession.第一小句话中是不是省略了that?为什么省略?meaning Japan is now in a recession做什么成分?
Look deeper into the GDP fall,and the numbers are even more grim.Industrial output,which includes all the consumer products Japan sends around the world,plunged 15.3% in March,the worst ever recorded in Japan's history.The auto industry hurt the most.第一句话Look deeper into the GDP fall做什么成分?even修饰的是什么?includes all the consumer products Japan sends around the world中也省略了that吗?the worst ever recorded in Japan's history.做什么成分?最后一句中的most是什么词性?
以上选自“沪江听力素材奥巴马就中东政策发表讲话 中的几个问题” 网上有原文,从第十段开始看,
4..the worst ever recorded in Japan's history是什么结构做的后制定语?
5.even more是副词even修饰副词more?
6.最后一句中hurt the most,the most是副词吗?

语法大师来 that去掉行不行?为什么?The tsunami that leveled Japan's northern coastline on March 11th.中的that去掉行不行?为什么?It's the second quarter in a row the GDP has fallen,meaning Japan is now in a recession.第一小句

1、The tsunami that leveled Japan's northern coastline on March 11th.

       (1)that 在从句中做主语,不能省略

2、It's the second quarter in a row the GDP has fallen, meaning Japan is now in a recession.


      (1)第一小句语法上讲不通,是错的,应该为It's the second quarter in a row  that the GDP has fallen,是it’s ·····that强调句;

    (2)meaning Japan is now in a recession为分词短语,meaning为现在分词,后面一句 Japan is now in a recession为meaning的宾语,所以为宾语从句

3、Look deeper into the GDP fall, and the numbers are even more grim.Industrial output,
which includes all the consumer products Japan sends around the world, plunged 15.3% in March, the worst ever recorded in Japan's history. The auto industry hurt the most.

     (1)Look deeper into the GDP fall为一个祈使句,通过and与 the numbers are even more grim形成并列句.


      (3)which includes all the consumer products Japan sends around the world作为定语从句,修饰Industrial output, 这句话先行词是which,句中 Japan sends around the world又是一个定语从句,修饰 consumer products,因为that在从句中作宾语,于是就省略了.

     (4)the worst ever recorded in Japan's history作为后置定语,修饰句意所表达的情况.

4、the most ,最高级,在这里意为 最严重



语法大师来 that去掉行不行?为什么?The tsunami that leveled Japan's northern coastline on March 11th.中的that去掉行不行?为什么?It's the second quarter in a row the GDP has fallen,meaning Japan is now in a recession.第一小句 看云识天气中把“往往”和“常常”去掉行不行?为什么? 课文秋天的怀念去掉秋天行不行?为什么? The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer..要是这里直接is of 行不行,吧that 去掉 There is no greater love than that of a man who lays down his life for this friends小语法为什么要用that of 去掉不行吗? it (has been rained) all morning这里去掉been行不行,为什么? 说明文中有这种题:去掉这个词行不行,为什么?如何回答. 初中语文【中国石拱桥】文中的“不行”“可能”“几乎 ”“大约”“左右”各去掉行不行?为什么? what are some things that happen on soap operas?中间为什么要加个that,不要行不行? 问个语法问题some people argue that // i would argue that为什么 i would argue that 要加 would 可以去掉吗?还有 funding 和 funds 的区别呢? dunring the days that followed,that为什么不能去掉 I need a pair of slippers to wear at home.如果把slippers后面的s去掉行不行?为什么? the flowers you recieved today were paid for in advance这里的paid后 为什么 要加for 去掉行不行 布鲁斯王子,“他几乎失去了信心”,如果去掉“几乎”,联系后面的文章,看看行不行?为什么? 英语语法问题 语法大师来帮忙看看 I'm so happy that we get together .此处的that引导的是什么从句?可不可以省略?怎么看出来的?Rumor has it that you’re a good lawyer.这句话中的that引导的是什么从句?怎 Each of us studies hard at school.All of us study hard at school.为什么第一个要边ing的?求大师来指点.并说说语法,和我存在的漏洞 为何要用石灰乳来调节pH值,用强碱氢氧化钠行不行?为什么? 语法大师来 关于that等等的几个问题 引导什么从句,做什么成分?They found it difficult that they would finish their work in 2 days.这句话中的that引导什么从句,什么成分?可不可省略?此外,would有什么含义?All