
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 05:50:55
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  Racism is a self-centered attitude, that racial differences in the historical and cultural development of human society that they belong to groups, such as race, ethnicity or country is superior to other groups.
  Racism originated in the 19th century, foreign powers carved up Africa's era. At that time a large number of Africa's resources have been pillaged to the European and American countries, including human resources. These people were sold as slaves.
  The basic elements of racism are:
  Extreme genocide
  Racism is often the science of "race" concept of misunderstanding. He also can be regarded as a social problem, which is often the politicians as a political tool. Psychology of racism from the collection point of view, can be interpreted as an emotional phenomenon. Racial struggle is long-term suppression of anger and hostility caused by.
  There is a view that acts of inter-ethnic differences exist, this view until now has often been disputed, it is difficult to eliminate. Some concepts, such as national character, spirit, temperament, etc. are all products of this view. The gratitude is very vague, and many ideas and biological concept of race irrelevant. Is being used, resulting in tragic consequences. Until now, no one can fall into the behavioral characteristics inherent in a particular cultural practices can not be explained by the human population.
  Another view is that racists often mentioned the existence of different ethnic intellectual differences. But according to scientists believe that IQ tests can only be applied to a specific cultural environment. Only for specific detailed examination of the cultural environment, which makes sense the results of intelligence tests. But there are scientists believe that since the existence of different genetic constitution of inter-ethnic differences, such as skin color, hair color and so on, so the intelligence of different races may also be due to genetic differ. More research shows that intelligence is indeed affected by genes, but the environment is the development of intelligence greatly affected. In other words, intelligence is the result of the interaction of genes and the environment. And the current testing intelligence through IQ tests. But what kind of intelligence can be related to the actual composition of the characteristics of intelligence that has not been able to generally accepted views. So IQ tests is difficult to accurately determine mental conditions, it is not a good way to measure the genetic intelligence. So far, the existence of human intellectual inter-population differences have not yet been

是怎样的想法、信念使人们认为种族主义的存在是有道理的?意识到自己的宗族和信仰对人们来说意味着什么?黑人对白人最大的误解是什么?白人对黑人呢?英文优先. 种族主义是错误的吗?为什么 什么是新种族主义?旧种族主义何时像新种族主义转变的?1、什么是新种族主义?新种族主义特征是什么?2、旧种族主义什么时候开始向新种族主义转变的? 请问,中国有没有种族主义?都说美国有种族主义,中国有没有啊?近来,听说有“逆种族主义”的.不只你们知道吗?我指的“种族主义”,是指中国人对于不同国家的人,不同种族的人,采取不同的对 我不能容忍人们认为老年人没有权利追求美的想法的英文 2014江苏高考作文题材料大致如下:有人说,没有什么是不朽的,只有青春是不朽的;也有人说,年轻人不相信有朝一日会老去.这种想法是天真的,我们自欺欺人地认为会有像自然一样不朽的信念. 人们说,改革开放使一次新长征,你是怎样理解的?你认为当今应该怎样发扬长征? 什么词是比喻人们的想法多变的 信念作为人的意识的一部分,是人类特有的一种精神状态.信念对人生的重要作用体现在,信念是人们 南非种族主义问题的解决给我们什么政治启示 怎样维持自己的信念 面对资源丰富的海洋,有人认为“应当放开手脚开发”,有人认为“最好是不开发”.你又怎样的想法或观点? 信念的实际意义是? 优生学属于种族主义吗?优生学就是通过各种检测手段提高人类的遗传素质,那这不是恰恰吻合种族主义的观点么?那么可以将它们联系起来么?它们有什么异同? 辨别分析小军认为:“人们生活在不同的时代,情趣会有时代的差异,但在同一年代,人们的情趣是一样的.”他的想法正确吗?注:答题要完整 人的信念和毅力 是怎样锻炼出来的 我的信念中居里夫人是怎样对待财富的 怎样坚定自己的信念坚定自己信念的办法