
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 12:43:21
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当初,严延年的母亲从东海郡来看儿子,打算跟随严延年一起进行腊祭.到洛阳时,正遇到处决囚犯.其母大吃一惊,便留在驿站中,不肯进府.严延年来到驿站谒见母亲,其母紧闭房门,不肯见他.严延年摘 下帽子,在门外崐叩头,过了很长时间,其母才与他相见,并一再责备严延年说:“你有幸当了郡太守,独自管辖方圆一千里的地区,没听说你以仁爱教育、感化百姓,使百姓们得到安定和保全,反而利用刑罚,大量杀人,企图借此树立威严,这岂是作百姓父母官的本意?”严延年再次叩头,表示服罪,并亲自为母亲驾车回到住所.其母在腊祭完毕以后,对严延年说:“天道悠悠,神明在上,杀人者必将为人所杀.想不到我到了暮年,却将看到正当壮年的儿子遭受刑戮!我要走了,离开你东归故乡,打扫墓地去了!”于是离去.回到东海郡,见到严延年的兄弟和族人,又将上面的话说与他们.一年多以后,严延年果然被杀,东海郡人无不赞叹其母的贤明、智慧.

Original text
Beginning, postpones a year the mother is from East China Sea, desire from postpone the wax in year.To the Luo male, it is proper to appear in newspaper a jailbird.The mother frighte...


Original text
Beginning, postpones a year the mother is from East China Sea, desire from postpone the wax in year.To the Luo male, it is proper to appear in newspaper a jailbird.The mother frighteneds, then all station, Be not willing to go into a mansion.Postpone beginning of a year to all station Ye mother, the mother shuts Ge to disappear.Postpone a year to don't need hat head you, very long, the mother positive sees it, the factor responsibility postpones a year:"Must have district magistrate luckily, particularly cure a long distance, don't smell kindness to fellowmen culture, attend to multiply many Xings of penalties homicidal, desire with sign Wei, for people man mother idea Zai!Postpone a year to plead guilty, heavy hand, because of from resist for mother, return a mansion to give up.The mother finishes positive wax and calls to postpone a year:"My never thought that is old see a plaint drive the Xing Lu is also!Go Yi!Go to a female east and return and sweep away a graveyard ear."The Sui goes and returns county and see younger brother Kun believe in a person, complex for speech it.After year old remaining, the fruit hurts.East China Sea is might it not be wise to know its mother. 祝你好运!
