
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 09:25:21
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越来越多的市民在与朋友相聚时,最喜欢干的事就是玩手机.离开手机就寸步难行的人并非只有少数,这种“无手机焦虑症”正需引起大家警惕.我们来看一段相关的英文报道 For about 66 per cent of us,being with your phone at all times is an obsession that occupies every waking minute.If you think you may suffer from nomophobia - or 'no mobile phone phobia' – then the warning signs are:■ An inability to ever turn your phone off; ■ Obsessively checking for missed calls,emails and texts; ■ Constantly topping up your battery life; ■ Being unable to pop to the bathroom without taking your phone in with you.The number of people afflicted with nomophobia — revealed in a recent study — shows a rise from a similar study four years ago,where 53 per cent of people admitted the fear of losing their phone.我们中大约有66%的人,时时刻刻都离不开手机——只要眼睛睁着,就得和手机形影不离.如果你有以下“症状”,你可就得提高警惕,看看自己是否得上了这种“无手机焦虑症”:■ 从来都不关手机; ■ 时不时地查看有无漏接的来电、邮件和短信; ■ 频繁地为手机充电; ■ 上厕所、洗澡,都得要把手机带在身边.据最近公开的一项研究显示,患上“无手机焦虑症”的人数相比四年前的一次类似调查,已有所上升.在四年前的那次调查中,就已有53%的人承认自己很担心会丢失手机.