分析化学英文文献翻译 一段话!High performance liquid chromatographyHPLC determination was performed with a Shimadzu ModelLC-6A liquid chromatograph supplied with a Reodyne Model7125 manual injector with a 20-μl loop. The detector wasShim

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 05:40:01
分析化学英文文献翻译 一段话!High performance liquid chromatographyHPLC determination was performed with a Shimadzu ModelLC-6A liquid chromatograph supplied with a Reodyne Model7125 manual injector with a 20-μl loop. The detector wasShim
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分析化学英文文献翻译 一段话!High performance liquid chromatographyHPLC determination was performed with a Shimadzu ModelLC-6A liquid chromatograph supplied with a Reodyne Model7125 manual injector with a 20-μl loop. The detector wasShim
分析化学英文文献翻译 一段话!
High performance liquid chromatography
HPLC determination was performed with a Shimadzu Model
LC-6A liquid chromatograph supplied with a Reodyne Model
7125 manual injector with a 20-μl loop. The detector was
Shimadzu Model SPD-6A UV spectrometer. The Thermo Separation
Products integrator Model SP 4400 was used for data acquisition
and recording. Prior to use, the eluents were filtrated through
0.45 μm. filters (Sartorius) and degassed under the vacuum. The
column was reversed-phase Hypersil ODS (150×4.6 mm; participle
size 5 μm.) with a Hypersil ODS guard column (Supelco Inc.).
The beer samples were analysed for biogenic amines according to
the modified Geiger method [18]. The elution program consisted
of a gradient system with the following solvents: (A) 0.005 M.
ammonium acetate buffer solution adjusted to pH 4.3 with glacial
acetic acid; (B) methanol. After loading the sample, analysis started
with a methanol (B) gradient in buffer A from 65% to 80% for
20 min. and then with isocratic elution of 100% methanol for
10 min. Finally, the column was equilibrated with an isocratic elution
of 65% methanol in buffer A for 10 min.
The flow rate was 1 mL/min. The eluted dansylamines were
detected by monitoring the UV absorbency at 340 nm.
Twenty-seven samples of popular Polish beers were tested
by HPLC method. Eight biogenic amines: monoamines
(TRP, PHM, HIS, TYR), diamines (PUT, CAD),
polyamines (SPD, SPM) and polyamine-derived secondary
metabolites (PRP, PIR) were investigated in the beer
samples. The gradient elution of methanol in ammonium
acetate buffer allowed elution of all the amines in less
than 30 min. In the tested range of biogenic amine concentration
from 0.2 to 10.0 mg/L the correlation coefficient
between peak area and concentration of each standard
amine was higher than 0.99 for every standard
curve. The average recoveries of the amines ranged from
81.6% to 104.1% with the lowest value for spermine and
the highest for spermidine. The quantification limits
were established as three times the detection limit and
PRP propylamine, PIR pyrrolidine, TRP tryptamine, PHM 2-phenylethylamine,
PUT putrescine, CAD cadaverine, HIS histamine, TYR
tyramine, SPD spermidine, SPM spermine, – not found. Unusually
最后一句"PRP propylamine, PIR pyrrolidine, TRP tryptamine, PHM 2-phenylethylamine,
PUT putrescine, CAD cadaverine, HIS histamine, TYR
tyramine, SPD spermidine, SPM spermine, – not found. Unusually”改为“ranged from 0.19 mg/L for spermidine to 0.49 mg/L for2-phenylethylamine”.!!!!!!
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分析化学英文文献翻译 一段话!High performance liquid chromatographyHPLC determination was performed with a Shimadzu ModelLC-6A liquid chromatograph supplied with a Reodyne Model7125 manual injector with a 20-μl loop. The detector wasShim
7125手动注射器与20 μl循环.该探测器
岛津型号的SPD - 6A条紫外光谱仪.热分离
柱反相色谱柱消耗臭氧层物质( 150 × 4.6毫米;词
5微米的大小.)消耗臭氧层物质的后卫色谱柱柱( Supelco公司) .
修改后的盖格法[ 18 ] .洗脱程序包括
一个梯度系统下列溶剂:(一) 0.005先生
醋酸; (乙)甲醇.装货后的样品,分析开始
以甲醇(乙)梯度缓冲甲从65 %至80 %的
20分钟.然后与isocratic洗脱100 %甲醇为
65 %甲醇缓冲区A的10分.
检测监测紫外线吸光度在340 nm左右.
(激进党,PHM ,他的氨基酸) ,二胺(把,计算机辅助设计) ,
代谢物(覆检委员会,PIR )报告进行了调查,啤酒
81.6 %到104.1 % ,最低值为精胺和
覆检委员会丙胺,红外吡咯,激进党色,PHM 2 -苯乙胺,
最后一句“覆检委员会丙胺,红外吡咯,激进党色,PHM 2 -苯乙胺,
酪胺,社民党精,索爱精-未找到.不寻常“改为”从0.19 mg / L时为精,以0.49 mg / L的for2 -苯乙胺".!