第 6 题:Stars are so far away that they are _________ spots of light when seen from the earth.(本题5分) A.nothing more than B.anything more than C.more than D.less than

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:53:08
第 6 题:Stars are so far away that they are _________ spots of light when seen from the earth.(本题5分) A.nothing more than B.anything more than C.more than D.less than
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第 6 题:Stars are so far away that they are _________ spots of light when seen from the earth.(本题5分) A.nothing more than B.anything more than C.more than D.less than
第 6 题:Stars are so far away that they are _________ spots of light when seen from the earth.(本题5分)
A.nothing more than
B.anything more than
C.more than
D.less than

第 6 题:Stars are so far away that they are _________ spots of light when seen from the earth.(本题5分) A.nothing more than B.anything more than C.more than D.less than
A 语感或者句子意思可以判断 C/D 都是错的
A nothing more than spots of light “仅仅是光点”

第 6 题:Stars are so far away that they are _________ spots of light when seen from the earth.(本题5分) A.nothing more than B.anything more than C.more than D.less than who are these stars. Many stars are so far away that we can't see them.改为同意句Many stars are ____ far away ____ us ____ see. 英语谜题 Why are movie stars cool? Diamonds are covered with rust and all stars are fly away you make me watiting so long. Diamonds are covered with rust and all stars are fly away you make me watiting so long! ______the sky,Lily!you can see there are so many stars.______the sky,Lily!you can see there are so many stars.给了两个选项look up 、 have a look at应该选哪个? why are flim stars cool? How many stars are there? You are my lucky stars 英语翻译翻译这两句Turn this park into a clubThe stars are lights and the moon is so bright from above 第一段You just know a part of that.第二段One evening,Xiao Ming is sitting in the open air.He is looking up at the sky.Xiaoming:One,two,three...Kangkang:What are you counting?Xiaoming:I'm counting the stars.Kangkang:How foolish you are!It's so d 八年级上册外研版英语同步训练一道题下面的短文中有10个错误单词,请你找出来并改正.When we talk about the univers ,it means the earth,the sun,the moon,the stars and the space between them,Many of the stars are so far a We are walking on the beach. Look at the sky twinkling stars. We were so in love.So in love.请翻译中文,谢谢! Stars are so far away that they are ____ more than spots of light when seen from the earth.A./ B.nothing C.anything说出原因谢谢 The sun is about 149640000 km away from the (e ).other stars are much (f )away than the sun.填空 Look at this f .It's red.There are five stars on it.首字母填空来的, 初一英语首字母填空题一道Catch snoweflake and look them carefully .You can see snow stars in them .The stars are very small .No two stars are just the s_