
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 12:06:47
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mend KK:[] DJ:[] vt.1.修理,修补;缝补 He asked her to mend his socks.他叫她替他补袜子.2.改善,改良;纠正,改正 He pledged that he would mend his ways.他保证他将改过自新.3.使愈合;使恢复健康 vi.1.渐愈;好转 The child is mending nicely.这孩子的病情在很快好转.2.改过;改善 The economy is on the mend.经济情况正在好转.It is never too late to mend.改过不嫌晚.n.1.修缮部位[C] The mend in your dress scarcely shows.你衣服上补过的地方几乎看不出来.The coat has a mend on the elbow.这件外套的肘部补过.2.好转;痊愈[the S] His health is on the mend.他的健康正在好转中.fix KK:[] DJ:[] vt.1.使固定;缚紧,钉牢;牢记 Her image was fixed in his mind.她的形象深深印在他的脑海里.2.确定;决定[(+up)][+wh-][+to-v] Shall we fix a date for the picnic?我们定一下野餐的时间好吗?3.修理;校准;整理;收拾 We are going to have the TV fixed.我们要请人把电视修好.4.准备(饭菜);安排;供给[O1] If you want to interview the Mayor,I can fix it.如果你要采访市长,我可以安排.Let me fix you a drink.让我给你弄杯饮料.5.操纵(选举、赛马等);用贿赂取得...的支持 Can they fix the election?他们能操纵选举吗?6.【口】向...报仇;惩罚 Tell him to behave,or I'll fix him.告诉他规矩点,否则我要收拾他.vi.1.固定;变得稳定;(目光等)注视 Her eyes fixed for a few minutes.好几分钟她的眼睛一动也不动.2.【化】凝固 n.1.【口】困境;窘境[C] Give him a hand; he is in a bad fix.帮他一把吧,他已陷入了困境.2.【口】贿赂;受操纵的事[S] The horse race was a fix.这场赛马有人操纵.3.【俚】毒品注射[C][(+of)] 4.(船只等的)方位;定位[C][(+on)] Can you get a fix on the submarine?你能给潜水艇定位吗?repair1 KK:[] DJ:[] vt.1.修理;修补 The roof should be repaired soon.这屋顶应及早整修.He had his car repaired yesterday.昨天他把车子送去修好了.2.补救;纠正 Tom tried to repair his mistake.汤姆努力纠正自己的错误.3.恢复 It took a long time for him to repair his health.他过了好长时间才恢复健康.4.弥补;补偿 n.1.修理;修补[U] The road is badly in need of repair.这路急需修理.2.修理工作;修补工作[P] Repairs must be done to the house before we move in.在我们搬进去之前,房屋必须整修.3.修补部位[C] This suit has several repairs.这套衣服有几处修补过的地方.4.维修状况[U] That building was out of repair.那幢大楼年久失修 from http://www.dreye.com.cn/index_gb.html